Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0940-05-02-.13

Current through January 8, 2025

With or without giving notice, representatives of the Department shall have the right to enter upon or into the premises of any facility or any part thereof, or service providing mental health, developmental disabilities substance abuse, or personal support services in order to make inspections deemed necessary to determine compliance with licensure laws, ordinances, regulations and rules. The facility or service shall comply with all reasonable requests of the Department and allow it to obtain information from third parties, including, but not limited to, individuals being served by the facility or service, and/or to review and obtain copies of all records of the facility or service sufficient to determine compliance with licensure laws, ordinances, regulations and rules.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0940-05-02-.13

Original rule filed May 26, 1988; effective July 11, 1988. Repeal and new rule filed April 10, 2008; effective June 24, 2008. Repeal and new rule filed February 3, 2014; effective 5/4/2014.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-4-103, 33-1-302, 33-1-303, 33-1-305, 33-1-309, 33-2-301, 33-2-302, 33-2-403, 33-2-404, 33-2-407, 33-2-413, and 33-2-420.