Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0940-05-02-.06

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) The applicant must submit application forms.
(2) The applicant must submit the required fees for application processing.
(3) The applicant is responsible for any fees charged by other regulatory agencies whose inspection of the facility or service is necessary for the issuance of licenses.
(4) Upon receipt of the completed application and the required fees, the Department will arrange for needed inspections of the proposed site or sites, when applicable.
(5) The Department will review the application, make any necessary investigations, review the results of the inspections of the proposed site or sites, when applicable, and take one of the following actions:
(a) If the review indicates compliance with all requirements for an initial license, the initial license will be issued;
(b) If the review indicates deficiencies, the applicant will be notified and must correct deficiencies before a license is issued; or
(c) If the review indicates that a license should not be granted, the applicant will be so notified. Within fifteen (15) calendar days of such notification of denial, the applicant may file a written request for a hearing before the Licensure Review Panel on the denial.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0940-05-02-.06

Original rule filed December 8, 1980; effective January 22, 1981. Repeal and new rule filed May 26, 1988; effective July 11, 1988. Repeal and new rule filed April 10, 2008; effective June 24, 2008. Repeal and new rule filed February 3, 2014; effective 5/4/2014.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-4-103, 33-1-302, 33-1-303, 33-1-305, 33-1-309, 33-2-301, 33-2-302, 33-2-403, 33-2-404, 33-2-405, 33-2-406, and 33-2-407.