Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0940-02-04-.04

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0940-02-04-.04 - POLICY
(1) Administrative inspections and searches shall be conducted only by properly authorized department staff and only in accordance with the procedures specified herein.
(2) Administrative inspections and searches shall be conducted only as necessary to achieve the following purposes:
(a) to prevent introduction of prohibited or dangerous instrumentalities into the facility, and especially into the patient or resident population therein,
(b) to prevent theft of property, belonging to patients, residents, employees or visitors at the facility.
(c) to prevent theft and unauthorized use of state property, or
(d) to discover hazards to health and safety that might otherwise go unnoticed.
(3) Administrative inspections and searches shall be conducted in a manner which will avoid embarrassment or indignity to those whose persons or property are being inspected or searched.
(4) Notice of this policy and these procedures shall be given to all those potentially affected thereby.
(5) Employees and visitors subject to administrative inspection shall be provided with the opportunity to leave personal belongings and vehicles at designated areas: personal belongings and vehicles left at said designated areas will not be subject to administrative inspection.
(6) Employees may be permitted to keep some personal belongings in property (examples: desks, file cabinets) owned by the state that is assigned or issued to employees for use in their jobs. However, the contents of such state property may be inspected at any time by supervisory personnel, without notice to or the permission of the employee to whom the property is assigned.
(7) The head of each facility shall issue instructions consistent with this policy and these procedures assigning Authority and responsibility for the implementation of this policy and these procedures at the respective facilities. Use of administrative inspection procedures is not required at any facility so long as the head of a facility determines that theft and safety problems can be resolved in a less obtrusive manner.
(8) The department shall provide an on-going program of training for personnel responsible for the implementation of this policy.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0940-02-04-.04

: Original rule filed October 2, 1986; effective November 16, 1986.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 33-1-203, 33-1-204 and 33-1-205.