Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-04-.13

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0800-03-04-.13 - REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION
(1) Each owner or managing operator shall retain on the premises or with a portable amusement device all of the following documentation required by ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable, for each amusement device that will be operated in the state:
(a) The manufacturer's documentation indicating that the design and manufacture of the amusement device is in compliance with ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable. Such documentation shall include but not necessarily be limited to the design and calculation documents specified in ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
1. Exception No. 1: If the amusement device was designed to comply with generally accepted design standards not referenced in ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable, e.g., DIN or TUV Standards, the owner or managing operator may substitute documentation of compliance with those standards. However, unless Exception No. 2 applies, a level of detail shall be comparable to that specified by ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
2. Exception No. 2 for Existing Amusement Devices Only: If the owner or managing operator cannot obtain all or part of the required documentation because it is reasonably believed not to exist or is not reasonably available, the owner or managing operator shall comply by maintaining that documentation which is reasonably available. If that documentation is missing information on performance characteristics or forces on passengers, the owner or managing operator shall maintain alternative documentation to the extent such information is necessary for a reasonably adequate evaluation of the safety of any amusement device.
(b) Documentation of each of the following with reference to ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable:
1. The manufacturer's developmental and installation testing procedures meeting ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
2. The manufacturer's operational and nondestructive testing procedures meeting ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
(i) Exception No. 1 for Amusement Devices Only: If complete documentation meeting the requirements of part 1. of subparagraph (b) of paragraph (1) is reasonably believed not to exist or is not reasonably available, the owner or managing operator shall comply by maintaining that documentation which is reasonably available.
(ii) Exception No. 2 for Existing Amusement Devices Only: If complete documentation meeting the requirements of part 2. of subparagraph (b) of paragraph (1) is reasonably believed not to exist or is not reasonably available, the owner or managing operator shall comply by maintaining that documentation which is reasonably available by maintaining documentation containing effective operational and nondestructive testing procedures that meet ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable. The testing procedures shall include the following additional requirements:
(I) The testing frequency shall be specified.
(II) The operational limits of the amusement device and the specifications used to evaluate testing results shall be established by the owner or managing operator using all the manufacturer's information that is reasonably available to ensure that the operation of the amusement device is within design limitations.
(c) Documentation of each of the following with reference to ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable:
1. The manufacturer's maintenance instructions that meet ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
2. The mandatory maintenance procedures that meet the instructions required by paragraph (1) and an effective program of training for all employees performing maintenance. The training program shall meet ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable, and include a manual containing the training subject matter, the length of initial and refresher training as well as the frequency of refresher training.
(i) Exception for Existing Amusement Devices Only: If complete documentation of meeting the requirements of paragraph (1) is reasonably believed not to exist or is not reasonably available, the owner or managing operator shall comply by maintaining the documentation which is reasonably available and shall comply by maintaining effective maintenance procedures. The maintenance procedures shall meet the manufacturer's maintenance instructions that are reasonably available and shall include, but are not limited to each of the following:
(I) A description of the amusement device operation, including the function and operation of its major components.
(II) A description of the motions the amusement device is designed to undergo while in operation.
(III) Lubricant procedures, including types of lubricants and frequency of lubrication, and a lubrication drawing, chart, or other effective means of showing the location of lubrication points.
(IV) A description, including a schedule, of all maintenance inspections and testing to be conducted on the amusement device.
(V) Maintenance procedures for electrical components, as well as schematics of electrical power, lighting, and controls.
(VI) Maintenance procedures and schematics for all hydraulic and pneumatic systems on or used to control the amusement device, which shall include component locations, location charts, fluid, pressure line, fitting specifications, and troubleshooting guidelines.
(VII) Specifications for the use of replacement fasteners and, when applicable, for torque requirements for fasteners.
(VIII) A checklist to be made available to each authorized person performing the regularly scheduled maintenance on each amusement device.
(IX) Procedures for performing documented and signed pre-opening inspections, to be conducted each day prior to public operation. The pre-opening inspection shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the items listed in ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
(X) An effective training program for all employees performing maintenance meeting ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable. The training program shall include a manual containing the training subject matter, the length of initial and refresher training as well as the frequency of refresher training.
(XI) Procedures to be followed in the event of any unscheduled cessation of operation of the amusement device. The procedures shall require that, when an unscheduled cessation of operation occurs due to mechanical failure, the device shall not be operated again until testing of the amusement device has demonstrated that the amusement device is functioning properly.
(d) Mandatory operation procedures meeting ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable. Each owner or managing operator shall ensure that each of the following are incorporated into the operation procedures:
1. The manufacturer's information and recommendations meeting ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
(i) Exceptions for Existing Amusement Devices Only: If complete documentation meeting the requirements of part of 1. of subparagraph (d) of paragraph (1) is reasonably believed not to exist or is not reasonably available, the owner or managing operator shall comply by maintaining that documentation which is reasonably available and by maintaining documentation containing effective procedures that meet ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
(e) A procedure for promptly notifying the applicable manufacturer, if known, of any event, failure, or malfunction that reasonably and substantially appears:
1. To have an impact on safety; and
2. To be of a type that could occur in connection with amusement devices of the same design.
(f) A detailed description of all signal systems' procedures and testing used by the owner or managing operator.
(g) Procedures for implementing safety measures necessary to ensure the safe operation, which shall consist of the following:
1. Procedures to ensure that all passenger restraint mechanisms are properly engaged and safely secured.
2. Procedures that shall, at a minimum, implement all specific manufacturer recommendations listed in ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable, to the extent such recommendations exist and are reasonably available. Patron-specific safety measures shall consist of special provisions for a patron's use of the amusement device, provision of warnings to patrons, or both in combination, to the extent reasonably necessary to protect the patron. Factors that may result in a need for patron-specific safety measures include patron weight, patron size (e.g., height or other body dimension), and the patron being a child, or having a physical disability, or health condition.
(h) An effective training program for all managing operators and attendants meeting ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable. The training program shall include a manual containing the training subject matter, the length of initial and refresher training as well as the frequency of refresher training.
(i) Documentation indicating that the manufacturer's quality assurance program followed for the amusement device meets ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
1. Exception for Existing Amusement Devices Only: If complete documentation meeting the requirements of paragraph (i) is reasonably believed not to exist or is not reasonably available, the owner or managing operator shall comply by maintaining that documentation which is reasonably available.
(j) All of the information applicable to each amusement device as specified in ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.
1. Exception for Existing Amusement Devices Only: If complete documentation meeting the requirements of paragraph (j) is reasonably believed not to exist or is not reasonably available, the owner or managing operator shall comply by maintaining that documentation which is reasonably available, and by maintaining the information indicated in ASTM F24 or ACCT standards, as applicable.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-04-.13

Original rule filed February 24, 2010; effective July 29, 2010. Amendments filed April 19, 2021; effective 7/18/2021.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-121-103, 68-121-116, and 68-121-121.