Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-04-.06

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0800-03-04-.06 - OPERATING PERMITS
(1) Issuing of Permits.
(a) Operating permits shall be issued by the Commissioner, within the time limits hereafter specified, to the owner or lessee of every new elevator, dumbwaiter and escalator, and of every existing elevator and escalator, where the inspection report indicates compliance with this Chapter, provided that no permit shall be issued if the fees required by this Chapter have not been paid. Said time limits shall be thirty (30) days for existing elevators and escalators, and seven (7) days for new elevators, dumbwaiters and escalators, after the required date for filing the inspection report required by Rule 0800-03-04-.05(4), unless such time is extended by the Commissioner. No elevator, dumbwaiter or escalator, for which such permit is required, shall be operated by the owner or lessee thereof after the dates specified in this subparagraph, unless such operating permit has been issued.
(b) The operating permit shall be issued for the period covered by the inspection required by Rules 0800-03-04.05(1) and 0800-03-04-.05(2) and shall state the contract load and speed for such elevator, dumbwaiter or escalator. It shall be extended by endorsement of the Commissioner or his duly appointed agent after each required inspection required by Rule 0800-03-04-.05(3).
(c) If the inspection report, required by Rule 0800-03-04-.05(4) indicates failure of compliance with the applicable requirements of this Chapter or with the detailed plans and specifications approved by the Department under Rule 0800-03-04-.02(14), the Commissioner shall give notice to the owner or lessee or the person or persons filing such plans and specifications of changes necessary for compliance therewith. After such changes have been made, the Commissioner shall issue an operating permit.
(d) If the inspection report, required by Rule 0800-03-04-.05(4) indicates that an elevator or escalator is in an unsafe condition, so that its continued operation may be dangerous to the public safety, then the Commissioner may, at his discretion, require the owner or lessee to discontinue the use of such elevator or escalator until it has been made safe and in conformity with the requirements of this Chapter.
(e) If the Commissioner has reason to believe that any owner or lessee to whom an operating permit has been issued is not complying with the applicable rules of this Chapter, he shall so notify such owner or lessee, and shall give notice of the date, time, and location for a hearing hereon to such owner or lessee. If, after such hearing, he shall find that such owner or lessee is not complying with such rules and regulations, he shall revoke such permit.
(2) Serial Number Shown on Permits. Permits shall show the serial number of the elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator, or other lift for which they are issued, as required in Rule 0800-03-04.03(4), Numbering of Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators and Other Lifts.
(3) Posting of Permits. The required permit, or a sign designating where such permit is located, shall be posted in a conspicuous location in the elevator car, or on or near the escalator, dumbwaiter, or other lift.
(4) Temporary Permit. The Commissioner or his duly appointed agent may permit the temporary use of any elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator, or other lift for freight service during its installation under the authority of a temporary permit for each class of service. In the case of elevators, such temporary permit shall not be issued until the elevator shall have been tested under the contract load, and the car safety and terminal stopping equipment have been tested to determine the safety of the equipment.
(5) Life of Temporary Permit. Temporary permits shall be issued for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days and may be renewed at the discretion of the Commissioner or his duly appointed agent.
(6) Posting of Temporary Permits. Where a temporary permit is issued, a notice bearing the information that the equipment has not been finally approved shall be conspicuously posted on, near, or visible from each entrance to such elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator, or other lift.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-04-.06

Original rule certified June 10, 1974. Amendment filed February 5, 1991; effective May 29, 1991. Amendment filed July 24, 2000; effective November 28, 2000. Amendment filed May 7, 2004; effective September 28, 2004. Amendments filed April 19, 2021; effective 7/18/2021.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-121-101, 68-121-103, 68-121-104, 68-121-105, 68-121-106, 68-121-107, 68121-108, 68-121-109, 68-121-111, and 68-121-115.