Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-04-.02

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0800-03-04-.02 - DEFINITIONS
(1) As-Built Document. A document signed by a licensed engineer responsible for the construction of an amusement device stating that the device has been constructed according to its final plans.
(2) ASTM Standard. The latest standards and specifications set forth by the American Society for Testing Materials. Copies can be purchased from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States, 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), service@astm.org (email), www.astm.org (ASTM web site).
(3) ACCT Standard. The latest standards and specifications set forth by the Association for Challenge Course Technology. Copies can be purchased from ACCT, PO Box 19797, Boulder, CO 80308, United States, 303-827-2432 (phone), membership@acctinfo.org (email), www.acctinfo.org (ACCT web site).
(4) Authorized Person. A person who:
(a) Has been authorized by the owner or managing operator, in a determination which defines the specific duties and amusement devices to which the authorization pertains, to attend, operate, inspect, test, or perform maintenance on amusement devices and associated equipment;
(b) Has successfully completed training in the duties to which the authorization pertains;
(c) Performs his or her duties within the scope of the authorization; and
(d) Is capable of reading and comprehending all written instructions, including those on device operator controls, that are required to be available to or to be in view of a person performing duties within the scope of the authorization.
(5) DIN Standard. A standard published by the Deutsches Institute of Normung.
(6) Elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator, and other lift. Hoisting and lowering mechanisms as defined in Section 1.3 of the Elevator Safety Code.
(7) Existing Amusement Device. Any existing amusement device that was placed in operation, substantially designed, substantially manufactured, or substantially fabricated prior to the effective date of these rules.
(8) Major Modification. Any change in the structure or operation of an amusement device that materially alters either the performance of the device or any safety-related system of the device.
(9) New Amusement Device. An amusement device that is placed in operation and opened to the public for the first time.
(10) New Installation. Any new installation of elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, or other lifts as defined in Section 1.3 Definitions of the Elevator Safety Code for which the plans and specifications and the application for the construction permit are filed as required by T.C.A. § 68-121-108.
(11) Other Terms. All other terms used in this Chapter shall have the meaning as defined by Section 1.3 of the Elevator Safety Code, and Section 1.4 of the Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators.
(12) Red Tag. A notice and order prohibiting the use of an amusement device, or any such device that restricts access to any particular part of any amusement device.
(13) Safety-Related Systems and Procedures. Systems and procedures that materially affect safety or are designed or intended to increase the safety of an amusement device, including, but not limited to:
(a) Control devices, including safety devices;
(b) Speed limiting devices;
(c) Brakes;
(d) Passenger-carrying devices, including restraint systems;
(e) Mechanical systems that materially affect the safe operation of the device;
(f) Amusement device electrical or electronic systems, including process-control equipment that are designed or intended to ensure safe operation of the amusement device;
(g) Daily pre-operational safety-related tests;
(h) Owner or managing operator safety-related maintenance, inspection and operational activities;
(i) Emergency procedures related to the operation of the device, including, but not limited to, cessation of operation, evacuation procedures, ingress and egress controls, location of communication devices, and summoning of medical or emergency assistance; and
(j) Signage.
(14) The Elevator Safety Code. The Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, ASME A17.1 - 2016/CSA B44-16, Twenty-First Edition, approved by the American National Standards Institute on July 25, 2016, effective as of July 18, 2021 prepared and published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers except as modified in subparagraphs (a) through (yy) shall be considered a part of this Chapter.
(a) Application of requirements to new technology (ASME preface) - paragraph is deleted in its entirety;
(b) ASME Elevator Publications (ASME preface), ASME A17.7/CSA B44.7 PerformanceBased Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. This American National Standard performance-based safety code covers the design, construction, installation, operation, testing, maintenance, alteration, and repair of elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks, and material lifts. - paragraph is deleted in its entirety;
(c) Section 1.2.1 Purpose shall be revised as follows:

The purpose of this Code is to provide for the safety of life and limb, and to promote the public welfare. Compliance with this Code shall be achieved by (a) conformance with the requirements in ASME A17.1/CSA B44;

(b) paragraph is deleted in its entirety;

(c) paragraph is deleted in its entirety;

(d) Section 4.3 Hand Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(e) Section 5.3 Private Residence Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(f) Section 5.4 Private Residence Inclined Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(g) Section 5.8 Marine Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(h) Section 5.9 Mine Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(i) Section 5.12 Outside Emergency Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(j) Section 7.4 Material Lifts Without Automatic Transfer Devices is deleted in its entirety;
(k) Section 7.5 Electric Material Lifts Without Automatic Transfer Devices is deleted in its entirety;
(l) Section 7.6 Hydraulic Material Lifts Without Automatic Transfer Devices is deleted in its entirety;
(m) Section 7.9 Electric Material Lifts With Automatic Transfer Devices is deleted in its entirety;
(n) Section 7.10 Hydraulic Material Lifts With Automatic Transfer Devices is deleted in its entirety;
(o) Section shall be revised as follows: The Maintenance Control Program (MCP) shall include, but not be limited to, the Code required maintenance tasks, general maintenance procedures and examination and tests listed with the associated requirement (see 8.6.4 through 8.6.11). Where maintenance tasks, maintenance procedures, or examinations or tests have been revised in Section 8.6, the MCP shall be updated;
(p) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(q) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(r) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(s) Section is revised as follows: Maintenance records shall document compliance with Section 8.6 and shall be located at the controller or at the means necessary for test (see These records shall be retained for the most recent 5 years or from the date of installation or adoption of this Code edition, whichever is less or as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. Existing maintenance records up to 5 years shall be retained;
(t) Section is revised as follows: MCP records shall be viewable on-site by elevator personnel in hard copy form or an alternative method acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Site name and address;
2. Service provider name;
3. Conveyance identification (I.D.) and type;
4. Date of record;
5. A description of the maintenance task, interval, and associated requirements of Section 8.6;
6. Indication of completion of maintenance task;
(u) Section is revised as follows: Repair and Replacement Records. The following repairs and replacements shall be recorded and shall be kept on-site for viewing by elevator personnel in hard copy or alternative method acceptable to authority having jurisdiction. The record shall include an explanation of the repair or replacement, date, and name of person(s) and/or firm performing the task. The record of repairs and replacements shall be retained by the owner of the equipment for the most recent 5 years or from the date of installation or adoption of this Code edition, whichever is less, or as specified by the authority having jurisdiction, and shall be a permanent record for the installation:
1. Repairs ( through including repairs of components and devices listed in 8.6.4, 8.6.5, 8.6.6, 8.6.7, 8.6.8, 8.6.9, and 8.6.10;
2. Replacements ( through except and including replacements of components and devices listed in 8.6.4, 8.6.5, 8.6.6, 8.6.7, 8.6.8, 8.6.9, and 8.6.10;
(v) Section is revised as follows: The following written records shall be kept on-site for each unit. These records shall be retained for the most recent 5 years from the date of installation or adoption of this Code edition, whichever is less or as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. The record shall include the date and name of person(s) and/or firm performing the task:
1. A record of oil usage (;
2. A record of findings for firefighters' service operation required by with identification of the person(s) that performed the operation;
3. Periodic tests (see shall be documented or recorded in accordance with;
4. Written record to document compliance with replacement criteria specified in ASME A17.6 requirement;
(w) Section is revised as follows: Callbacks (Trouble calls). A record of callbacks shall be maintained and shall include the description of reported trouble, dates, time, and corrective action(s) taken that are reported by any means to elevator personnel and shall be kept on-site for each unit. These records shall be available to elevator personnel when performing corrective action;
(x) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(y) is revised as follows: Periodic Test Record. A periodic test record for all periodic tests containing the applicable Code requirement(s) and date(s) performed, and the name of the person or firm performing the test, shall be installed to be readily visible and adjacent to or securely attached to the controller of each unit in the form of a metal tag or other format designated by and acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction;
(z) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(aa) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(bb) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(cc) Section Private Residence Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(dd) Section Periodic Test is deleted in its entirety;
(ee) Section Private Residence Inclined Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(ff) Section Periodic Test is deleted in its entirety;
(gg) Section Shipboard Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(hh) Section Periodic Test is deleted in its entirety;
(ii) Section Mine Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(jj) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(kk) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(ll) Section is deleted in its entirety;
(mm) Section Outside Emergency Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(nn) Section Periodic Test Requirements - Category 1 is deleted in its entirety;
(oo) Section Periodic Test Requirements - Category 5 is deleted in its entirety;
(pp) Section Category 5 Tests Without Load Via Alternative Test Methodologies is deleted in its entirety;
(qq) Section Where Permitted is deleted in its entirety;
(rr) Section Alternative Test Method and Tools is deleted in its entirety;
(ss) Section Alternative Test Method Procedure is deleted in its entirety;
(tt) Section Alternative Test Method Report is deleted in its entirety;
(uu) Section Private Residence Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(vv) Section Shipboard Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(ww) Section Outside Emergency Elevators is deleted in its entirety;
(xx) Section Mine Elevators is deleted in its entirety; and
(yy) Section 9.1 Reference Documents ASME A17.7/CSA B44.7 is deleted in its entirety.
(15) The Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators, and Moving Walks. ASME A17.2 - 2017 Seventh Edition, approved by the American National Standards Institute on October 26, 2017, effective as of July 18, 2021, prepared and published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers shall be considered a part of this Chapter.
(16) The Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators. ASME A17.3 - 1996, Fourth Edition, approved by the American National Standards Institute on October 3, 1996, effective as of August 21, 1997, prepared and published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers shall be considered a part of this Chapter.
(17) The Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation and Governor Systems. ASME A17.6 2017 approved by the American National Standards Institute on September 29, 2017 effective as of July 18, 2021 prepared and published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers shall be considered a part of this Chapter.
(18) The Safety Code for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts. ASME A18.1 2014 approved by the American National Standards Institute on July 10, 2014 effective as of July 18, 2021, prepared and published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, except as modified in subparagraphs (a) and (b) shall be considered a part of this Chapter.
(a) Section 2.1.3 Runway enclosure not provided is deleted in its entirety.
(b) Section 3.11.2 is revised as follows: The lift shall be provided with means of two-way conversation between the platform and readily accessible point outside the runway that is available to emergency personnel (telephone, intercom, etc.) The means to activate the two-way conversation system shall be provided on the platform.
(19) The Safety Code for Aerial Tramways, Aerial Lifts, Surface Lifts, Tows and Conveyors. ANSI B77.1 2017 approved by American National Standards Institute on May 11, 2017, effective as of July 18, 2021 shall be considered a part of this Chapter.
(20) TUV Standard. A standard published by the Technischer Uberwachungs Verein or Technical Inspection Organization.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-04-.02

Original rule certified June 10, 1974. Amendment filed September 19, 1974; effective October 19, 1974. Amendment filed March 29, 1978; effective April 28, 1978. Amendment filed March 12, 1979; effective April 26, 1979. Amendment filed February 5, 1991; effective May 29, 1991. Amendment filed July 24, 2000; effective November 28, 2000. Amendment filed December 13, 2001; effective April 30, 2002. Amendment filed July 17, 2006; effective November 28, 2006. Amendment filed February 24, 2010; effective July 29, 2010. Amendment filed April 7, 2011; effective September 28, 2011. Amendment filed August 7, 2012; effective January 29, 2013. Amendments filed April 22, 2016; effective July 21, 2016. Amendments filed April 19, 2021; effective 7/18/2021.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-121-101, 68-121-102, 68-121-103, 68-121-104, 68-121-108, and 68-121-111.