Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-03-.04

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0800-03-03-.04 - INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS
(1) Permission to Install.
(a) All installers of boilers or pressure vessels shall be knowledgeable in the proper installation of the boiler or pressure vessel they are requesting to install.
(b) The company or person responsible for the installation of the boiler or pressure vessel (stamped lethal service) shall obtain an installation permit for the boiler or pressure vessel prior to any work being performed. An "Application for Permission to Install a Boiler or Pressure Vessel (stamped lethal service)", boiler room layout drawings/dimensions, Manufacturer's Data Report, and a copy of any applicable local/municipal building or like permit shall be forwarded to the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Workplace Regulations and Compliance, Boiler Unit. "Tennessee Special" boilers and pressure vessels are subject to the requirements of this rule.
(c) All boiler installations between 400,000-12,500,000 BTU/hr (excluding hot water heaters) shall meet all the requirements of ASME CSD-1. Boilers 12,500,000 BTU/hr and over shall meet any additional requirements of NFPA 85. A copy of the "Controls and Safety Devices" section of the installation application must accompany all submitted Applications for Permission to Install a Boiler or Pressure Vessel (stamped lethal service). Failure to comply with the requirements of this rule, without significant explanation, could delay the permission to install approval or warrant non-acceptance of the application.
(d) After the application has been reviewed by the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee, an installation permit shall be issued.
(e) All newly installed boilers and pressure vessels (stamped lethal service) shall be inspected by a Deputy Inspector before the boiler or pressure vessel is put into service. The company or person performing the installation is responsible for notifying the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Workplace Regulations and Compliance, Boiler Unit, when the boiler or pressure vessel (stamped lethal service) is ready for inspection. The inspection upon installation by permit is subject to the fees in accordance with Rule 0800-03-03-.14(10).
(f) A revised application shall be submitted to the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee by the installer if there is a change to the original application. A copy of the original installation permit and supplemental documentation shall accompany the revised application.
(g) All installation permits shall be issued for a period of twelve (12) months. If the boiler or pressure vessel (stamped lethal service) is not installed during this period, the installation permit shall expire and the file shall be closed. When a file has been closed, the installer shall be required to apply for another installation permit in accordance with subparagraph (b) of this rule.
(h) A boiler or pressure vessel may be installed prior to submission of the "Application for Permission to Install a Boiler or Pressure Vessel (stamped lethal service)" when it has been determined by the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee that the installation is an emergency situation. Immediately thereafter, the installer shall submit an application, layout drawings/dimensions, Manufacturer's Data Report and a copy of any applicable local/municipal building or like permit in accordance with subparagraph (b) of this rule.
(i) When it is discovered that a boiler or pressure vessel (stamped lethal service) has been installed without an approved installation permit prior to installation, the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee shall notify the owner or user. The Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee shall take appropriate action in accordance with T.C.A. § 68-122-106. The owner or user shall be assessed a special inspection fee set by the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee in accordance with T.C.A. § 68-122-113 and Rule 0800-03-03-.14(10). Any owner or user aggrieved by an order or act of the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee may, within fifteen (15) days after notice thereof, appeal from such order or act to the Board.
(2) Permission to Reinstall.
(a) Reinstallation of Boilers or Pressure Vessels (Removed from the State). When a standard boiler or pressure vessel located in this State is moved outside the State for temporary use or repair, the owner or user shall apply to the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee for permission to reinstall the boiler or pressure vessel in this State. After the owner or user files the "Application for Permission to Reinstall" and it is approved, the Deputy Inspector shall conduct an inspection. When a nonstandard boiler or pressure vessel is removed from this State, it shall not be reinstalled within this State without additional approval of the Board.
(b) Installation of Second-Hand Boilers or Pressure Vessels. Second-hand boilers and pressure vessels may not be installed unless the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee approves an "Application for Permission to Reinstall". After the owner or user files the "Application for Permission to Reinstall" and it is approved, the Deputy Inspector shall conduct an inspection.
(c) Reinstallation of Boilers or Pressure Vessels (Not Second-Hand). The owner or user shall apply to the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee for permission to reinstall a boiler or pressure vessel in this State. After the owner or user files the "Application for Permission to Reinstall" and it is approved, the Deputy Inspector shall conduct an inspection.
(d) An owner or user of the boiler and pressure vessel described in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this rule is subject to the installation requirements in accordance with Rule 0800-03-03-.04(1), and the Special Inspection fee requirements of Rule 0800-03-03-.14(10). An "Application for Permission to Reinstall" form must accompany all permit applications for these installations.
(e) For reinstalled boilers and pressure vessels with a current certificate of inspection, the Deputy Inspector shall submit a reinspection report in accordance with Rule 0800-03-03-.05(10)(b). The comment that the boiler or pressure vessel is "reinstalled" shall be noted on the reinspection report. The reinspection shall be a non-certificate inspection.
(3) Safety Appliances.
(a) No person shall attempt to remove, or do any work on, any safety appliance prescribed by this Chapter while the appliance is subject to pressure.
(b) Should any such appliance be removed for repair during an outage of a boiler or pressure vessel, it shall be reinstalled and in proper working order before the object is again placed in service.
(c) No person shall alter any safety or safety relief valve or pressure relief devices in any manner to maintain a working pressure in excess of that stated on the boiler or pressure vessel inspection certificate.
(d) Only the holder of a valid Certificate of Authorization for use of the NB "VR" stamp, or an owner-user's maintenance organization approved by the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee, may repair safety or safety relief valves. An owner-user maintenance organization shall be limited to repairing such valves for its own use.
(4) Pressure Reducing Valves.
(a) Where pressure-reducing valves are used, one (1) or more safety or safety relief valves shall be provided on the low pressure side of the reducing valve when the piping or equipment on the low pressure side does not meet the requirements for the full initial pressure. The safety or safety relief valves shall be located adjoining or as close as possible to the reducing valve.
(b) Proper protection shall be provided to prevent injury or damage caused by escaping vapor or fluid from the discharge of safety or safety valves if vented to the atmosphere. The combined discharge capacity of the safety or safety relief valves shall be such that the pressure rating of the lower pressure piping equipment will not be exceeded in case the reducing valve fails in the open position.
(c) Use of hand-controlled bypasses around reducing valves is permissible. If a bypass is used around the reducing valve, the safety valve required on the low pressure side shall be of sufficient capacity to relieve all the vapor or fluid that can pass through the bypass without overpressuring the low pressure side.
(d) A pressure gauge shall be installed on the low pressure side of a reducing valve.
(5) Location of Discharge Piping Outlets. The discharge of safety valves, blowoff pipes and other outlets shall be located and supported so as to prevent injury to personnel.
(6) Application of State Serial Numbers. Upon completion of the installation of a boiler or pressure vessel, or at the time of the initial certificate inspection of an existing installation, the inspector shall tag each boiler or pressure vessel in the vicinity of the code stamping with a Board approved and Department supplied registration tag.
(7) Accessibility to Code Stamping. Code stamping shall not be concealed by lagging or paint. The stamping shall be exposed at all times, unless a suitable record is kept of the location of the stamping so that it may be readily uncovered when desired.
(8) Restamping of Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
(a) When the code stamping of a boiler or pressure vessel becomes indistinct, the inspector shall instruct the owner or user to have it restamped. The owner or user shall submit a request for authorization of restamping to the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee on the appropriate "Replacement of Stamped Data Form". Proof of the original stamping shall accompany the request.
(b) If the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee authorizes restamping, it shall be done only in the presence of an inspector, and shall be identical with the original stamping.
(c) The ASME Certification Mark with Certification Designator may be restamped only by the original manufacturer of the boiler or pressure vessel in the presence of an inspector of the Authorized Inspection Agency who signed the Manufacturer's Data Report or a Deputy Inspector. The witnessing inspector shall file with the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee the completed and signed "Replacement of Stamped Data Form" with a facsimile of the stamping applied.
(9) Working Pressure for Existing Installations. With the approval of the Chief Inspector or Chief Inspector's Designee, any inspector may decrease the maximum working pressure on any existing installation if the condition of the boiler or pressure vessel warrants.
(10) Supports. Each boiler and pressure vessel shall be supported by masonry or structural supports of sufficient strength and rigidity to safely support the boiler or pressure vessel and its contents. There shall be no excessive vibration in either the boiler, pressure vessel or its connecting piping.
(11) Ladders and Runways. When necessary for safety, there shall be a steel runway or platform of standard construction installed across the tops of adjacent boilers or pressure vessels or at some other convenient level for the purpose of affording safe access. All walkways shall have at least two (2) means of exit, each to be remotely located from the other.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-03-.04

Original rule filed May 16 1986; effective June 15, 1986. (Formerly rule 0780-2-11-.04) Amendment filed March 27, 1991; effective June 29, 1991. Amendment filed June 27, 2000; effective October 28, 2000. Amendment filed March 30, 2001; effective July 30, 2001 . Amendment filed June 17, 2002; effective October 28, 2002. Amendment filed November 21, 2005; effective March 30, 2006. Amendments and new rules filed June 16, 2016; effective 9/14/2016.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-202(a)(3), 68-122-101 through 68-122-104, 68-122-106, 68-122-107, 68-122-108, 68-122-110 through 68-122-113, 68-122-115, 68-122-116, and 68-122-202 through 68-122-209.