Whenever and as soon as a PSSHO concludes that conditions or practices exist in any place of employment which could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm immediately or before the imminence of such danger can be eliminated through the enforcement procedures otherwise provided by the Act, he shall inform the affected employees and the employer of danger and request that the employer take immediate action to abate such danger. Appropriate notice may be issued with respect to an imminent danger even though the employer immediately eliminates the imminence of the danger and initiates steps to abate such danger. In the event the employer does not take immediate action to abate such danger, the PSSHO shall immediately inform the Commissioner. The Commissioner may obtain compulsory process in an effort to obtain immediate abatement or action as authorized by T.C.A. § 50-3-918.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-01-05-.13
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-1411, 50-3-102, 50-3-201, and 50-3-918.