Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0780-01-05-.02
Current through January 8, 2025
This Chapter applies to all insurers or persons subject to title 56, chapter 8, part 1, that are authorized to sell, transact, or are otherwise engaged in the business of insurance in this state. Specifically, rules 0780-01-05-.06 through .10 only apply to property and casualty insurers doing business in this state. Rule 0780-01-05-.11 only applies to life insurers doing business in this state.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0780-01-05-.02
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 56-2-301, 56-8-101 through 56-8-120, 56-8-108, and 56-8-110.