Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0770-03-02-.15

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Maintenance and Operation.
(a) The Owner must provide all the services, maintenance and utilities as agreed to under the contract, subject to abatement of housing assistance payments or other applicable remedies if the Owner fails to meet these obligations.
(2) Periodic Inspection.
(a) In addition to the inspections required prior to execution of the Contract, the Agency must inspect or cause to be inspected each dwelling unit under Contract at least annually and at such other times as may be necessary to assure that the Owner is meeting the Obligations to maintain the unit in decent, safe and sanitary condition and to provide the agreed upon utilities and other services. The Agency must take into account complaints and any other information coming to its attention in scheduling inspections.
(3) Units not Decent, Safe and Sanitary.
(a) If the Agency notifies the Owner that the unit(s) under contract are not being maintained in decent, safe and sanitary condition and the Owner fails to take corrective action (including corrective action with respect to the Family where the condition of the unit is the fault of the Family) within the time prescribed in the notice, the Agency may exercise any of its rights or remedies under the contract, including abatement of housing assistance payments (even if the Family continues in occupancy) and termination of the Contract on the affected unit(s). If the Family was not a fault and wishes to be rehoused in another dwelling unit with Section 8 assistance and the Agency terminates the Contract, the Agency must assist the Family in accordance with 24 CFR 882.517(f).

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0770-03-02-.15

Original rule filed July 13, 1982; effective August 12, 1982.

Authority: T.C.A. § 13-23-115(18).