Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0720-33-.14

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0720-33-.14 - DISASTER PREPAREDNESS
(1) The administration of every facility shall have in effect and available for all supervisory personnel and staff, written copies of the following required disaster plans, for the protection of all persons in the event of fire and other emergencies, for evacuation to areas of refuge and /or evacuation from the building. A detailed log with staff signatures of training received shall be maintained. All employees shall be trained annually as required in the following plans and shall be kept informed with respect to their duties under the plans. A copy of the plans shall be readily available at all times in the telephone operator's position or at the security center. Each of the following plans shall be exercised annually prior to the month listed in each plan:
(a) Fire Safety Procedures Plan (to be exercised at any time during the year) shall include:
1. Minor fires;
2. Major fires;
3. Fighting the fire;
4. Evacuation procedures; and
5. Staff functions by department and job assignment.
(b) Tornado/Severe Weather Procedures Plan shall include:
1. Staff duties by department and job assignment; and
2. Evacuation procedures.
(c) Bomb Threat Procedures Plan (to be exercised at any time during the year) shall include:
1. Staff duties;
2. Search team, searching the premises;
3. Notification of authorities;
4. Location of suspicious objects; and
5. Evacuation procedures.
(d) Floods Procedures Plan, if applicable, shall include:
1. Staff duties;
2. Evacuation procedures; and
3. Safety procedures following the flood.
(e) Severe Cold Weather and Severe Hot Weather Procedures Plans shall include:
1. Staff duties;
2. Equipment failures;
3. Insufficient HVAC on emergency power; and
4. Evacuation procedures.
(f) Earthquake Disaster Procedures Plan shall include:
1. Staff duties;
2. Evacuation procedures;
3. Safety procedures; and
4. Emergency services.

All facilities shall participate in the Tennessee Emergency Management local/county emergency plan on an annual basis. Participation includes but is not limited to filling out and submitting a questionnaire on a form to be provided by the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. Documentation of participation shall be maintained and shall be made available to survey staff as proof of participation.

(2) In the event of natural disaster or electrical power failure, no new dialysis procedures shall be begun, and dialysis procedures in progress shall be brought to conclusion as soon as possible.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0720-33-.14

Original rule filed April 22, 2003; effective July 6, 2003. Transferred from chapter 1200-08-32 pursuant to Public Chapter 1119 of 2022 effective 7/1/2022.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 68-11-202, 68-11-204, 68-11-206, and 68-11-209.