Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0720-31-.01

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0720-31-.01 - DEFINITIONS
(1) Abuse. The willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or punishment with resulting physical harm, pain or mental anguish.
(2) ACLS. Advance Cardiac Life Support.
(3) APLS. Advanced Pediatric Life Support.
(4) Basic Pediatric Emergency Facility. The facility shall be capable of identifying those pediatric patients who are critically ill or injured, stabilizing pediatric patients, including the management of airway, breathing and circulation, and providing an appropriate transfer to a definitive care facility.
(5) Board. Board for Licensing Health Care Facilities.
(6) Comprehensive Regional Pediatric Center (CRPC). The facility shall be capable of providing comprehensive specialized pediatric medical and surgical care to all acutely ill and injured children. The center shall be responsible for serving as a regional referral center for the specialized care of pediatric patients or in special circumstances provide safe and timely transfer of children to other resources for specialized care.
(7) CPR. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
(8) Do-Not-Resuscitate order (DNR). A written order, other than a POST, not to resuscitate a patient in cardiac or respiratory arrest in accordance with accepted medical practices.
(9) E. Essential.
(10) ECG. Electrocardiogram.
(11) ED. Emergency Department.
(12) EED. Essential in emergency department.
(13) EED&EPI. Essential in emergency department and pediatric intensive care unit.
(14) EH. Essential in hospital.
(15) EMS. Emergency medical service.
(16) EMSC. Emergency medical service for children.
(17) ENPC. Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course.
(18) EP. Promptly available.
(19) EPI. Essential in pediatric intensive care unit only.
(20) ES. Essential if service not provided at hospital.
(21) General Pediatric Emergency Facility. The facility shall have a defined separate pediatric inpatient service and a department of pediatrics within the medical staff structure. The facility may accept appropriate referrals of pediatric patients from Basic and Primary Pediatric Emergency Facilities as part of prearranged triage, transfer and transport agreements.
(22) ICP. Intracranial Pressure.
(23) IM. Intramuscular.
(24) IV. Intravenous.
(25) Misappropriation of patient/resident property. The deliberate misplacement, exploitation or wrongful, temporary or permanent use of an individual's belongings or money without the individual's consent.
(26) Neglect. The failure to provide goods and services necessary to avoid physical harm, mental anguish or mental illness; however, the withholding of authorization for or provision of medical care to any terminally ill person who has executed an irrevocable living will in accordance with the Tennessee Right to Natural Death Law, or other applicable state law, if the provision of such medical care would conflict with the terms of the living will, shall not be deemed "neglect" for purposes of these rules.
(27) OR. Operating Room.
(28) PA. Physician's Assistant.
(29) PALS. Pediatric Advanced Life Support.
(30) Pediatric Emergency Care Facilities. Hospital facilities that provide emergency services and are classified according to their abilities to provide such services. The classifications are:
1) Basic Pediatric Emergency Facility,
2) Primary Pediatric Emergency Facility,
3) General Pediatric Emergency Facility, and
4) Comprehensive Regional Pediatric Center.
(31) Physician. A person currently licensed as such by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners or currently licensed by the Tennessee Board of Osteopathic Examination.
(32) Physician Assistant. A person who has graduated from a physician assistant educational program accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, has passed the Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination, and is currently licensed in Tennessee as a physician assistant under title 63, chapter 19.
(33) PICU/PI. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.
(34) Primary Pediatric Emergency Facility. The facility shall provide the same services as a Basic Pediatric Emergency Facility and shall have limited capabilities for the management of minor pediatric inpatient problems and may accept appropriate transfers of pediatric patients when there is no facility with more comprehensive capabilities available within a region.
(35) QA. Quality Assurance.
(36) QI. Quality Intervention.
(37) RN. Registered Nurse.
(38) RRT. Registered Respiratory Therapist.
(39) SE. Strongly encouraged if such services are not available within a reasonable distance.
(40) Trauma. A physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence.
(41) Trauma Registry. A central registry compiled of injury incidence information supplied by designated trauma centers and Comprehensive Regional Pediatric Centers (CRPC's) for the purposes of allowing the Board to analyze data and conduct special studies regarding the causes and consequences of traumatic injury.
(42) TRACS. Trauma Registry of American College of Surgeons.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0720-31-.01

Original rule filed November 30, 1999; effective February 6, 2000. Amendment filed October 15, 2002; effective December 29, 2002. Amendment filed August 16, 2006; effective October 30, 2006. Amendment filed December 4, 2007; effective February 17, 2008. Amendment filed March 27, 2015; effective June 25, 2015. Transferred from chapter 1200-08-30 pursuant to Public Chapter 1119 of 2022 effective7/1/2022.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 68-11-202, 68-11-209, and 68-11-251.