Section 0720-21-.06 - PERSONAL SERVICES(1) Personal services must include protective care of the resident, responsibility for the safety of the resident when in the facility, daily awareness of the resident's whereabouts and the ability and readiness to intervene if crises arise. Personal services do not include nursing or medical care. Personal services must be provided by employees of the home.(2) Medications shall be self-administered. If the home chooses to employ a currently licensed nurse, medications may be administered by the nurse.(3) Assistance in reading labels, opening bottles, reminding residents of their medication, observing the resident while taking medication and checking the self-administered dose against the dosage shown on the prescription are permissible in the self-administration of medications.(4) All medications shall be stored so that no resident can obtain another resident's medication.(5) Residents shall be provided assistance, if needed, in personal care such as bathing, grooming and dressing.(6) The home for the aged shall provide laundry arrangements for linens for the home and for residents' clothing.(7) Appropriate storage areas for soiled linen and residents' clothing shall be provided.(8) Clean linen shall be maintained in sufficient quantity to provide for the needs of the residents. Linens shall be changed whenever necessary.(9) There must be a designated person responsible for the food service, including the purchasing of adequate food supplies and the maintenance of sanitary practices in food storage, preparation and distribution. Sufficient arrangements or employees shall be maintained to cook and serve the food.(10) Residents shall be provided at least three (3) meals per day. The meals shall constitute an acceptable diet. There shall be no more than fourteen (14) hours between the evening and morning meals. All food served to the residents shall be of good quality and variety, sufficient quantity, attractive and at safe temperatures. Prepared foods shall be kept hot (140°F or above) or cold (41°F or less). The food must be adapted to the habits, preferences, needs and physical abilities of the residents.(11) Sufficient food provision capabilities and dining space shall be provided.(12) A forty-eight (48) hour supply of food shall be maintained and properly stored at all times.(13) Appropriate equipment and utensils for cooking and serving food shall be provided in sufficient quantity to serve all residents and must be in good repair.(14) The kitchen shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.(15) Equipment, utensils and dishes shall be washed after each use.(16) A suitable and comfortable furnished area shall be provided in the facility for activities and family visits. Furnishings shall include a current calendar and a functioning television set, radio and clock.(17) The facility shall provide current newspapers, magazines or other reading materials.(18) The home must have a telephone accessible to all residents to make and receive personal telephone calls twenty-four (24) hours per day.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0720-21-.06
Original rule filed June 21, 1979; effective August 6, 1979. Amendment filed August 16, 1988; effective September 30, 1988. Repeal and new rule filed July 27, 2000; effective October 10, 2000. Transferred from chapter 1200-08-11 pursuant to Public Chapter 1119 of 2022 effective 7/1/2022.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 68-11-202, and 68-11-204.