Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0720-15-.05 - ADMISSIONS, DISCHARGES, AND TRANSFERS(1) The intake and assessment process shall include the following: (a) The information to be obtained on all children or referrals for admission;(b) The procedures for accepting referrals from outside agencies or organizations;(c) The records to be kept on all children;(d) Any prospective child data to be recorded during the intake process; and(e) The procedures to be followed when a child or a referral is found eligible for admission.(2) Admission of Children and Communication with Parents(a) Infants and children considered for admission to the PCCC facility shall be those with complex medical conditions requiring continual care, including, but not limited to: 2. Ventilator dependence;5. Spinal cord injury and malignancy.(b) The child shall not present significant risk to the health and safety of other children or personnel that cannot be eliminated by a modification of policies, practices, or procedures, or by the provision of auxiliary aids or services.(c) The child shall be medically stabilized, require skilled nursing care, and/or other interventions, and be appropriate for outpatient care.(d) Prior to placement, pre-admission planning conferences shall be held for the purpose of developing a plan of care.(e) The plan of care shall be developed under the direction of the PCCC nursing director and shall specify the treatment plan needed to accommodate the medical, nursing, psychological, and developmental needs of the child and family. The educational needs of the child shall be coordinated with appropriate local public school system personnel. Specific goals for care shall be identified. Plans for achieving the goals shall be determined and a schedule for evaluation of progress will be established.(f) The plan shall be signed by the authorized representative of the PCCC, physician, and parent(s). Copies of the plan shall be given to the parent(s) and the PCCC staff.(g) A consent form, outlining the purpose of a PCCC facility, family responsibilities, authorized treatment, and emergency disposition plans shall be signed by the parent(s) and witnessed prior to admission to the PCCC facility. The original consent form shall be retained by the facility. The parent(s) shall be provided a copy of the consent form.(h) At the time of admission, written policies and procedures of the PCCC shall be provided to parents or other applicants. Policies shall include criteria for dismissal of children. A copy of PCCC policies and procedures shall be given to the parent and documentation of receipt filed in the child's record.(i) A pre-enrollment visit to the center by the parent shall be documented.(j) Upon enrollment of a child, the parent shall receive a summary of the Department's licensing requirements and receipt of the summary shall be documented by the parent's signature.(k) Each PCCC shall develop a plan for regular and ongoing communication with parents. This plan shall include communication concerning curriculum, changes in personnel, or planned changes affecting children's routine care. Documentation shall be maintained for the most recent quarter.(l) During normal operating hours, parents shall be permitted access to their children, and ready access to all areas of the PCCC shall be granted Department representatives and inspection authorities (i.e., fire safety, sanitation, and health).(m) Parents shall be informed in advance of the child's removal from the premises except in cases of emergencies or pursuant to investigative procedures conducted pursuant to the child abuse laws.(n) Children shall not be in care for more than sixteen hours in a twenty-four hour period except in special circumstances (e.g., acute illness of or injury to parents, natural disaster, unusual work hours). Individual plans for extended care shall be maintained, with documentation, signed by parent and administrator, retained on file.(o) Part-time children shall be counted in the ratio and group and shall have required records on file before they are cared for.(p) Any infant or child not meeting the criteria set out in 0720-15-.05(2)(a)-(c) shall be discharged from the PCCC.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0720-15-.05
Original rule filed June 13, 2002; effective August 27, 2002. Transferred from chapter 1200-08-02 pursuant to Public Chapter 1119 of 2022 effective 7/1/2022.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 68-11-202, 68-11-204, 68-11-206, and 68-11-209.