Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0540-01-.06

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0540-01-.06 - FEES
(1) The fees are as follows:
(a) Application Fee - A non-refundable fee to be paid by all applicants including those seeking licensure by reciprocity. It must be paid each time an application for licensure is filed.
(b) Endorsement/Verification - A non-refundable fee paid for each certification, verification, or endorsement of an individual's record for any purpose.
(c) Examination (Practical) fee - A non-refundable fee to be paid each time an applicant requests to sit for any initial or retake examination.
(d) License fee - A non-refundable fee to be paid by all applicants, except those seeking licesure by reciprocity, prior to the issuance of the initial license.
(e) License Renewal fee - A non-refundable fee to be paid by all license holders. This fee also applies to individuals who reactivate a retired or lapsed license.
(f) Reciprocity License fee - A non-refundable fee to be paid at the time an application for licensure is filed by reciprocity (licensed in another state) applicants and by applicants for licensure without examination and without licensure in another state. The fee is in addition to the application fee.
(g) Reinstatement fee - A non-refundable fee to be paid each time an individual requests to reinstate an expired license.
(h) Replacement License fee - A non-refundable fee to be paid when a request is made for a replacement when the initial license has been lost or destroyed.
(i) State Regulatory Fee - To be paid by all individuals at the time of application and with all renewal applications.
(2) All fees shall be established, reviewed and changed by the Board.
(3) All fees may be paid in person, by mail or electronically by cash, check, money order, or by credit and/or debit cards accepted by the Division. If the fees are paid by certified, personal or corporate check they must be drawn against an account in a United States Bank, and made payable to the Tennessee Board of Electrolysis Examiners.

(4) Fee Schedule:ElectrologistInstructor
(a)Application$300.00$ 350.00
(c)Examination - Practical or Re-evaluation200.00200.00
(d)License - Initial200.00200.00
(f)License Renewal-Biennial1,020.001,120.00
(g)Reciprocity License fee300.00300.00
(h)Replacement license50.0050.00
(i)State Regulatory - Biennial10.0010.00

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0540-01-.06

Original rule filed May 3, 1976; effective June 2, 1976. Repeal filed September 29, 1989; effective November 13, 1989. New rule filed December 28, 1995; effective March 12, 1996. Amendment filed September 11, 1998; effective November 25, 1998. Amendment filed March 19, 2001; effective June 2, 2001. Amendment filed October 28, 2002; effective January 11, 2003. Amendment filed March 18, 2003; effective June 1, 2003. Amendment filed August 18, 2006: effective November 1, 2006. Amendment filed July 3, 2007; effective September 16, 2007. Amendment to rule filed April 29, 2008; to be effective July 13, 2008; however, the House Government Operations Committee stayed the rule on June 24, 2008; new effective date August 16, 2008. Amendment filed February 22, 2010; effective May 23, 2010. Amendment filed December 13, 2012; effective May 31, 2013. However a petition for a rulemaking hearing was filed on January 7, 2013.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 63-26-108, 63-26-109, 63-26-111, 63-26-112, 63-26-114, 63-26115, 63-26-116, 63-26-117 and 63-26-120.