Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0520-12-01-.15

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) All before- and after-school programs shall have an adequate budget.
(2) Records shall be kept on all school age students enrolled in each program.
(3) Each program shall post their annual certificate of approval and provide parents with a copy of the policies and procedures.
(4) Parents shall have access to all areas of the program when the student is present.
(5) Immediate access to all areas of the school or program shall be granted to all Department representatives and other inspection authorities (i.e., fire safety, sanitation, health, etc.) during operating hours.
(6) Any program found in operation without oversight from the Department of Education will be reported to local authorities as indicated by T.C.A. § 49-1-1105(a).
(7) If the program provides transportation, the transportation shall be in accordance with the rules of this Chapter.
(8) Staff
(a) Each program shall have a director responsible for the day to day operations, including staff and program.
1. The director shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age and shall have at least a high school diploma and four (4) years' experience working with school age students.
2. Directors shall have eighteen (18) hours in-service training each year.
3. A person shall be designated to serve as acting director when the director is absent.
(b) All staff shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age and one (1) staff member in each group shall have a high school diploma.
1. High school students in grade twelve (12) may work in before or after school programs but shall not count in ratios and shall not be left alone with children.
2. All staff shall have twelve (12) hours of in-service training each year.
(c) All staff shall be physically, mentally, and emotionally stable and shall have knowledge of school age behavior and development.
(d) All new employees shall have orientation and training on the following prior to assuming duties:
1. Abusive head trauma;
2. Emergency preparedness;
3. Health and safety;
4. Developmentally appropriate practice;
5. Effective afterschool programming;
6. Supervision;
7. Parent communication; and
8. Any additional training identified by the Department.
(e) Staff shall be in compliance with all criminal history background checks required under 0520-12-01-.07.
(f) Program volunteers shall complete criminal history background checks and appropriate in- service training.
(g) Staff records shall be maintained for each employee with the following: educational background, reference checks, TBI check, in-service training, physical exams and reviews.
(9) Each grouping of children shall have adult supervision and shall meet the following minimum staffing requirements:
(a) Minimum staffing requirements per group:


Max. Group Size

Adult:Child Ratio

Elementary School

No Max


Middle School

No Max


High School

No Max


(b) Swimming and field trips require ratios be doubled.
(10) All program equipment shall be in good condition and kept clean.
(11) Students shall have time for self-directed activities, as well as, adult-directed activities.
(a) Students shall have choices regarding activities and an opportunity to help plan activities.
(b) Parents shall be informed of any TV or movies or computer games to be shown.
(c) Staff shall monitor computer use.
(d) Sports and physical activity shall be offered, weather permitting.
(e) Students shall have opportunities for learning, self-expression, and enrichment activities each day.
(f) Students shall receive child abuse awareness and personal safety information.
(12) Teachers shall be knowledgeable of developmentally appropriate school-age behavior.
(a) Discipline shall be in accordance with rules and policy adopted by the program to define program objectives, student expectations, behavioral code, and discipline procedures. The rules and policy shall be made available to all participants in an accessible document such as a student handbook.
(b) No corporal punishment is allowed.
(c) Good behavior shall be praised and encouraged.
(13) Programs shall comply with the following rules for health and safety:
(a) Students shall have immunizations in accordance with this Chapter.
(b) Instructions for any student's special health needs shall be documented.
(c) Parents shall be notified if their student is hurt or becomes ill.
(d) All parents shall be notified of any communicable diseases in accordance with this Chapter.
(e) Use of medications shall be in accordance with school system's policy for the administration of medications and health care procedures as defined by T.C.A. § 49-5-415 and State Board of Education guidelines.
(f) Smoking and the possession or consumption of alcohol is prohibited.
(g) There shall be a staff member present at all times who has current certification in CPR and first aid training.
(h) A first aid kit must be on the premises as well as a first aid chart.
(i) There shall be no firearms on the premises.
(k) There shall be an Emergency Management Plan, a written plan to protect students in event of disaster, such as fire, tornado, earthquake, chemical spills, floods, etc.
(14) Snacks and meals (if full day program) shall be scheduled regularly.
(a) Students will receive meals and snacks based on the amount of time spent in the program.
(b) Menus shall be posted.
(c) Special diets and instructions shall be provided in writing.
(15) Programs shall be in buildings that are not hazardous or dangerous to children.
(a) All facilities shall have annual fire and health inspections.
(b) All programs shall have a working telephone.
(c) Programs shall have thirty (30) square feet of usable space per adolescent.
(d) Outdoor recreation/sports area shall have fifty (50) square feet per student.
(16) Programs serving students with disabilities shall follow the rules defined in this Chapter.
(a) Adaptations shall be directed towards helping the student become independent and developing self-help skills.
(b) Specialized services provided shall be documented and information shared with appropriate parties.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0520-12-01-.15

Original rule filed March 15, 2010; effective August 29, 2010. Amendments filed November 2, 2017; effective February 1, 2018. Amendments filed January 25, 2019; effective 4/25/2019.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 49-1-302(l); 49-1-1101 through 49-1-1109; and 49-6-707.