Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0520-12-01-.09

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0520-12-01-.09 - PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS
(1) Educational activities shall be based on developmentally appropriate educational practices.
(a) Infant/Toddler classrooms ages six (6) weeks-twenty-four (24) months must show evidence that children are provided the opportunity to: (See TNELDS standards for Birth-48 months)
1. Sit and listen to teacher read aloud to him/her individually and in a group daily;
2. Engage in interactive play that includes activities such as movement, dance, musical games, and pretend play that encourages the use of both large and small muscles;
3. Engage in meaningful conversations with teachers;
4. Engage in touching, feeling, and identify a variety of known and unknown objects;
5. Explore a variety of culturally diverse books that encourage early literacy skill development and increase children's knowledge about the world around them. These books should represent different genres, i.e. poetry, nonfiction, fiction, informational texts, etc.; and
6. Experience daily tummy time.
(b) Preschool/Pre-K classrooms ages twenty-four (24) months to five (5) years must show evidence that children are provided the opportunity to: (See TNELDS standards for 48 months to kindergarten)
1. Sit and listen to teacher read aloud to him/her individually and in group daily;
2. Engage in pretend play;
3. Engage with developmentally appropriate educational and open-ended materials, i.e. blocks, clay, sand;
4. Engage in meaningful conversations with peers and teachers;
5. Write, create books, and engage with print rich materials;
6. Engage with a variety of culturally diverse books and materials that encourage early literacy skills in concepts about print, genres, letter identification, beginning sounds, etc.;
7. Engage in a variety of activities that support number sense, mathematical thinking, and understanding; and
8. Help with daily classroom and self-care routines.
(c) Children enrolled in any LEA pre-kindergarten program must participate in an educational curriculum that is aligned with the Tennessee early learning developmental standards.
(d) Staff shall plan ahead for developmentally appropriate activities and written lesson plans shall be provided for children of each age group.
(e) There shall be a balance between child's choice and adult-directed activities.
(f) A daily program shall provide opportunities for learning, self-expression, and participation in a variety of creative activities such as art, music, literature, dramatic play, science, and health
(2) Non-educational program activities shall be stimulating and developmentally appropriate.
(a) Any technology children engage in shall be developmentally appropriate, previewed by staff for content, approved by parents, and shall not exceed two (2) hours per day.
(b) There shall be alternating periods of vigorous activity and rest throughout the day.
(c) Children shall not be left in restraining devices such as swings, car seats, or high chairs (in excess of thirty (30) minutes). Stimulation shall be provided to children in those settings.
(d) Opportunities shall be provided for children to interact with one another.
(e) Opportunities shall be provided for children to be by themselves to play alone or do homework, if they choose, in a small quiet area away from other activities.
(f) Youth ten (10) years and older shall be encouraged to participate in the planning of their schedules and activities.
(g) Indoor physical activities, requiring children to use both large and small muscles, shall be provided for children of each age group.
(h) For infants and toddlers, a portion of the day shall include floor time for activities that develop physical, social, language and cognitive skills.
(i) Infants and toddlers shall have language experiences with adults on a daily basis.
(3) For ages three (3) through school-age, the program curriculum shall include instruction in personal safety.
(a) The personal safety curriculum shall include a Department-recognized component on the prevention of child abuse, based upon Department curriculum guidelines. The program may choose terminology and instructional methods for this curriculum with a goal of providing clear, effective and appropriate instruction to the children in personal safety, including the prevention of child abuse.
(b) The personal safety curriculum used by the program shall be made available to the parents and legal guardians for review.
(c) The record of each enrolled child shall include a copy of the signed notification form acknowledging that parents/legal guardians have been provided an opportunity to review the agency's personal safety curriculum, and have been notified of the sexual abuse/personal safety curriculum for their child.
(d) If parents/legal guardians have questions regarding the personal safety component of the curriculum, a representative of the program shall meet with the parent/legal guardian to discuss the personal safety component of the curriculum.
(e) For school-age children, the personal safety curriculum is integrated in the Health and Wellness curriculum during the school day for K-12 students. The school-age children enrolled in the program shall be provided information on reporting physical, verbal or sexual abuse to the students.
(f) Children, enrolled in a school-administered pre-kindergarten program, shall participate in an educational curriculum, aligned with the Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards as required by T.C.A. § 49-6-104(b)(5).
(4) An opportunity for outdoor play shall be extended to children of all ages who are in care more than three (3) daylight hours; provided, however, for programs where outdoor play is prohibitive or dangerous, as determined at the discretion of the Department, unoccupied indoor space providing fifty (50) square feet per child is acceptable.
(a) Children shall be provided an opportunity for outdoor play when the temperature range is between thirty-two (32) degrees and ninety-five (95) degrees Fahrenheit and not raining.
(b) Teachers shall be alert for signs of dehydration, heat stroke, frostbite, etc., dependent upon the season.
(c) Each agency shall develop a set of age appropriate playground rules that uses positive language. Rules shall be posted in each play area.
(5) Programs shall meet the following behavior management criteria:
(a) Discipline shall be reasonable, appropriate, and in terms the children can understand.
(b) Discipline that is shaming, humiliating, frightening, verbally abusive, or injurious to children shall not be used.
(c) Discipline shall not be related to food, rest, or toileting.
(d) Spanking or any other type of corporal punishment is prohibited.
(e) Praise and encouragement of good behavior shall be used.
(f) Time out shall be reasonable and developmentally appropriate.
1. Time out shall take place in an appropriate location based upon the development of the child.
2. The length of each time out session shall be based on the age of the child and shall not exceed one (1) minute per each year of age of the child; provided, however, that in no event shall any child below the age of thirty-six (36) months be placed in time-out for more than three (3) minutes, and no child between thirty-six (36) months and sixty (60) months of age shall be place in time-out for longer than five (5) minutes.
(6) Toilet training shall never be started until a child has been in the program long enough to feel comfortable and is able to communicate their need to use the bathroom. Children shall not be made to sit on the toilet for more than five (5) minutes.
(7) Children shall not be in care for more than twelve (12) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period except in special circumstances (e.g., acute illness of or injury to parents, severe weather conditions, natural disaster, and unusual work hours). In such cases every effort shall be made to minimize the amount of time spent in the program by exploring and documenting alternatives (i.e., part time care, care with a relative, etc.) Individualized plans for the care of a child in excess of twelve (12) hours due to special circumstances shall be signed by the parent and the director/ administrator and must be approved by the Department. Plans shall be updated annually.
(8) When more than twelve (12) school-age children in first (1st) grade and above are present, a separate group, a separate space, and a separate program type shall be provided for them.
(9) Routines such as snacks, meals, and rest shall occur at approximately the same time each day.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0520-12-01-.09

Original rule filed September 26, 1990; effective December 29, 1990. Amendment filed April 30, 2002; effective July 14, 2002. Amendment repealing and replacing rule filed March 15, 2010; effective August 29, 2010. Amendments filed November 2, 2017; effective February 1, 2018. Amendments filed May 3, 2018; effective August 1, 2018. Amendments filed January 25, 2019; effective 4/25/2019.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq.; 37-1-403; 37-1-601; 37-1-603; 49-1-302(l); 49-1-1101 through 49-1-1109; and 49-6-104.