Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0465-02-08-.08

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0465-02-08-.08 - INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT PLAN (ISP) TEAM
(1) The governing body must ensure that an ISP team known as the Circle of Support is identified and provided for each person supported. The team may include the following as determined by the person supported:
(a) The person supported;
(b) The legal representative (conservator, parent, guardian, or legal custodian) of the person supported, if applicable, unless their inability or unwillingness to attend is documented;
(c) Appropriate Provider staff;
(d) Relevant professionals or individuals, unless their inability to attend is documented;
(e) Friends, advocates and other non-paid supports, if applicable; and
(f) The Independent Support Coordinator/Case Manager.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0465-02-08-.08

New rules filed July 6, 2016; effective 10/4/2016.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-4-103, 4-5-202, 33-1-201, 33-1-302, 33-1-303, 33-1-305, 33-1-309, 33-2-301, 33-2-302, 33-2-404, 33-2-407.