Funds may be used to provide or to purchase distinct new services, to expand existing services which will adhere to the purpose of the funds, or to continue projects currently funded with Community Intervention Services grants.
(1) Expenditures may include new personnel costs, necessary equipment, travel for personnel, purchase of services, supplies and operating costs for non-residential services.(2) Indirect/overhead costs will be allowed to cover the grant's share of agency costs not directly attributable to the grant project. If the applicant must have an Indirect Cost Allocation Plan for another funding source, the applicant must submit an Indirect Cost Allocation Plan as approved by state or federal government. If an Indirect Cost Allocation Plan is not required by another funding source the applicant may budget indirect/overhead costs subject to the following limitations:(a) the applicant may budget indirect/overhead expenses not to exceed five percent (5%) of the overall project budget;(b) the applicant may budget indirect/overhead expenses not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the personnel cost, including salaries and benefits, for the project; or(c) the applicant may submit a line item indirect/overhead cost budget, each item to be subject to approval by DOC.(3) Costs for secure and non-secure residential services must be reflected as per diem rates, subject to approval by DOC. The applicant must describe the method used to determine the per diem rate.(a) any secure residential facility used must provide documentation that it is certified by the Tennessee Corrections Institute;(b) any non-secure residential facility used must provide documentation that it is licensed by the Department of Human Services or the Department of Mental Health/Mental Retardation.(4) Any funds used for travel, meals, or lodging are subject to the maximum amounts and limitations specified in the State Comprehensive Travel Regulations.(5) Any personnel hired with grant funds may not assume duties regularly performed by a Youth Services Officer; e.g. intake, regular probation, pre-sentence investigations, etc. (T.C.A. § 37-1106). Such personnel may work only with youth ordered to be served by the project.(6) Any staff hired by juvenile courts responsible for implementing court-operated projects must meet educational and training requirements as established by the Tennessee Children's Services Commission for Youth Services Officers.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0420-04-01-.07
. Original rule filed October 28, 1986; effective January 27, 1987. Amendment filed April 27, 1987; effective July 29, 1987. Amendment filed January 20, 1988; effective April 27, 1988.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-603 and 4-3-606.