Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-48-01-.20

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Domestic Septage Removal Permit - Persons engaged in the business of removing and disposing of domestic septage from septic tanks, holding tanks, portable toilets or other similar sewage treatment or disposal facilities covered within the provision of these rules shall obtain an annual permit from the Commissioner.

Septic tank pumping contractors are authorized under the domestic septage removal permit to pump the contents of grease traps that are a part of subsurface sewage disposal systems. This grease trap waste must be disposed of in a manner approved by the Commissioner. Grease trap waste may not be disposed of on a domestic septage disposal site, as authorized under these rules.

(a) No permit under this rule shall be granted until:
1. An application is filled out in its entirety, unless otherwise specified by the Commissioner; and
2. The contractor has demonstrated to the Commissioner that he is capable of conducting the operation in accordance with the rules as set forth herein; and
(b) A domestic septage removal permit may be denied where the applicant has had a previous permit denied, suspended or revoked due to unsatisfactory work, where such unsatisfactory work is material to the subject matter of the permit.
(3) Application for permit shall contain the following:
(a) Business name, owner's name, address and telephone number;
(b) Signature of applicant and date of application;
(c) Written permission of the proper official when contents are to be disposed of by discharging into a public or community wastewater treatment plant;
(d) Written permission of the landowner and disposal site operator, if different from the landowner, for each land application site used, including a copy of the domestic septage disposal site permit(s);
(e) Tank capacity, in gallons, license number and state of registration for each vehicle used to transport domestic septage;
(f) Counties in which the contractor intends to conduct most of his business.
(4) Monitoring Logs - A monthly log, on a form provided by the Department, of all pumpings and discharges shall be maintained. The log shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Date domestic septage is collected;
(b) Address of collection;
(c) Indicate if collection point is residential or commercial;
(d) Volume in gallons collected;
(e) Type of waste hauled;
(f) The discharge location, by treatment plant name or land disposal site permit number;
(g) The date, time and total number of gallons of domestic septage applied to the approved disposal site (if applicable);
(h) Method of pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction for each load (if applicable);
(i) The following statement of certification:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that all domestic septage has been disposed of at an approved wastewater treatment facility, or that the site requirements of paragraph (6) of Rule 0400-48-01-.22, have been met."

(5) Vehicle Identification - All vehicles engaged in domestic septage removal shall carry on both sides of the vehicle the name and address of the firm or operator conducting the business and the domestic septage removal permit number under which the business is being conducted. All lettering shall be at least two (2) inches high in bold print on a background of contrasting colors. All vehicles used for transporting domestic septage shall have an identifying sticker, provided by the department, attached to the vehicle in a location determined by the department.
(6) Vehicle Maintenance - Every vehicle used for domestic septage removal purposes shall be equipped with a watertight tank and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Liquid wastes shall not be transported in an open body vehicle unless contained within suitable portable receptacles. All pumps, valves and hose lines shall be maintained so as to prevent leakage. A splash plate or other approved method of dispersal shall be used for land application.
(7) Portable Receptacles - All portable receptacles used for transporting liquid or solid wastes shall be watertight, equipped with tight-fitting lids and cleaned daily.
(8) Domestic Septage Removal Permit
(a) Permits shall not be transferable or assignable and shall automatically become invalid upon a change of ownership or upon suspension or revocation.
(b) Permits shall expire on the 31st day of December, following the date of issuance.
(c) When a permit has been denied, suspended or revoked, a hearing may be requested before the Commissioner by making such request in writing within thirty (30) days of the date of the denial, suspension or revocation. Any hearing granted under this section shall be conducted in accordance with T.C.A. §§ 4-5-301 et seq.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-48-01-.20

Original rule filed June 20, 2013; effective September 18, 2013. Rule renumbered from1200-01-06.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-401 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq.