Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-42-03-.02

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0400-42-03-.02 - ANNUAL REPORT
(1) All operators shall file with the Commissioner, not later than sixty (60) days after the anniversary date of each permit, an annual report under each permit stating the number of acres of land affected by the operations, the extent of reclamation accomplished, and such other information as the Commissioner may reasonably require.
(2) The report shall include three maps at a scale of I 500', or reasonable alternate, showing the progress of the reclamation work accomplished as of the anniversary date. Planted areas shall be shown in green, areas re-graded but not planted shall be shown in brown, and areas on which no reclamation work has been done shall be shown in red.
(3) If the report and the Commissioner's inspection of the area affected show that the operator has complied fully with the provisions of the Law and these regulations, the Commissioner will approve the report and shall release the operator's bond on the acreage which has been reclaimed according to the Law and these regulations, or the remainder thereof if any portion has already been released under other provisions of this Law. If the Commissioner does not approve the report, the bond shall not be released until the operator corrects the deficiencies found by the Commissioner. However, if the Commissioner finds that the operator has fully complied with the provisions of the Law and these regulations with respect to a portion of the affected area and has not so complied with respect to other portions for reasons beyond his control, the Commissioner shall release so much of the bond as is applicable to the area with respect to which there has been such compliance.
(4) An annual report must be filed under each permit number until all reclamation has been accomplished and the bond released. A supplemental report may be submitted as appropriate to reflect status change for the accomplishment of bond release.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-42-03-.02

Original rule filed August 2, 2012; effective October 31, 2012. Rule renumbered from 0400-03-03.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 59-8-201 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq.