The Water Quality Control Act, T.C.A., §§ 69-3-101, et seq., makes it the duty of the Board of Water Quality, Oil, and Gas to study and investigate all problems concerned with the pollution of the waters of the state and with its prevention, abatement, and control; and to establish such standards of quality for any waters of the state in relation to their reasonable and necessary use as the Board shall deem to be in the public interest; and establish general policies relating to pollution as the Board shall deem necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Act. The following general considerations and criteria shall be used to determine the permissible conditions of waters with respect to pollution and preventative or corrective measures required to control pollution in various waters or in different sections of the same waters.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-40-03-.01
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq., and 69-3-101, et seq.