Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-20-08-.05

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Training.
(a) The licensee or registrant shall not permit any individual to act as a radiographer as defined in this Chapter until such individual:
1. Has been instructed in the subjects outlined in Rule 0400-20-08-.07 and has demonstrated understanding thereof by successful completion of a written test and a field examination on the subjects covered that has been approved by the Division;
2. Has received copies of and instruction in:
(i) The regulations contained in this Chapter;
(ii) The applicable rules of Chapter 0400-20-05 and this Chapter;
(iii) License or registration conditions; and
(iv) The licensee's or registrant's operating and emergency procedures and shall have been tested in a manner approved by the Division to demonstrate understanding thereof; and
3. Has physically demonstrated competence to use the sources of radiation, related handling tools, and survey instruments that will be employed in his assignment.
(b) The licensee or registrant shall not permit any individual to act as a radiographer's assistant as defined in this Chapter until such individual:
1. Has received copies of and instruction in the licensee's or registrant's operating and emergency procedures and shall have been tested in a manner approved by the Division to demonstrate understanding thereof; and
2. Has physically demonstrated competence to use, under the personal supervision of the radiographer, the sources of radiation, related handling tools, and survey instruments that will be employed in his assignment.
(c) Each licensee or registrant shall maintain the following records of training and certification for 3 years after the record is made for inspection by the Division.
1. Records of training of each radiographer and each radiographer's assistant. The record shall include radiographer certification documents and verification of certification status, copies of written tests, dates of oral and practical examinations, and names of individuals conducting and receiving the oral and practical examinations; and
2. Records of annual refresher safety training and semi-annual inspections of job performance for each radiographer and each radiographer's assistant. The records shall list the topics discussed during the refresher safety training, the dates the annual refresher safety training was conducted, and names of the instructors and attendees. For inspections of job performance, the records shall also include a list showing the items checked and any non-compliance(s) observed by the radiological safety officer.
(d) Whenever a radiographer's assistant uses sources of radiation or related handling tools or conducts radiation surveys required by subparagraph (3)(b) of Rule 0400-20-08-.06 to determine that the sealed source has returned to the shielded position after an exposure, he shall be under the personal supervision of a radiographer.
(2) Operating and emergency procedures. The licensee or registrant shall submit to the Division a copy of current operating and emergency procedures prior to the issuance or renewal of a license or registration. The licensee or registrant shall retain a copy of the operating and emergency procedures until the Division terminates the license or registration that authorizes the activity for which the procedures were developed. If the operating and emergency procedures are superseded, the superseded procedures shall be retained by the licensee or registrant for 3 years after each change. These procedures shall include specific instructions in at least the following:
(a) The handling and use of sources of radiation to be employed such that no individual shall be exposed to radiation doses in excess of the limits established in Chapter 0400-20-05;
(b) Methods and occasions for conducting radiation surveys;
(c) Methods for controlling access to radiographic areas;
(d) Methods and occasions for locking and securing sources of radiation;
(e) Personnel monitoring and the use of personnel monitoring equipment;
(f) Transportation to field locations, including packing of sources of radiation in the vehicles, posting of vehicles and control of sources of radiation during transportation;
(g) Minimizing exposure of individuals in the event of an accident;
(h) The procedure for notifying proper persons in the event of an accident;
(i) Maintenance of records;
(j) The inspection and maintenance of radiographic exposure devices and storage containers; and
(k) Steps that shall be taken immediately by radiographic personnel in the event a pocket dosimeter is found to be off-scale.
(3) Personnel monitoring.
(a) The licensee or registrant shall not permit any individual to act as a radiographer or a radiographer's assistant unless, at all times during radiographic operations, each individual wears, on the trunk of the body, a direct-reading dosimeter, an operating alarm ratemeter, and personnel dosimeter. At permanent radiography installations where other appropriate alarming or warning devices are in routine use, the wearing of an alarming ratemeter is not required.
1. Pocket dosimeters shall have a range from zero to two millisieverts (200 millirems) and shall be recharged at the start of each shift. Electronic personal dosimeters may only be used in place of ion-chamber pocket dosimeters.
2. Each personnel dosimeter shall be assigned to and worn only by one individual.
3. Film badges must be replaced monthly and all other personnel dosimeters that require replacement must be replaced at least quarterly. All personnel dosimeters must be evaluated at least quarterly or promptly after replacement, whichever is more frequent.
(b) Direct reading dosimeters such as pocket dosimeters or electronic personal dosimeters shall be read and the exposures recorded at the beginning and end of each shift. In accordance with Rule 0400-20-08-.15, the licensee or registrant shall maintain each record of these exposures for inspection by the Division for three years after the record is made.
(c) Pocket dosimeters, or electronic personal dosimeters, shall be checked at periods not to exceed 12 months for correct response to radiation. Acceptable dosimeters shall read within plus or minus 20 percent of the true radiation exposure. In accordance with Rule 0400-20-08-.15, the licensee or registrant shall maintain each record of these exposures for inspection by the Division for three years after the record is made.
(d) If an individual's pocket chamber is found to be off-scale, or if his or her electronic personal dosimeter reads greater than two millisieverts (200 millirems), and the possibility of radiation exposure cannot be ruled out as the cause, the individual's personnel dosimeter shall be sent for processing and evaluation within 24 hours. For personnel dosimeters that do not require processing, evaluation of the dosimeter must be started within 24 hours. In addition, the individual may not resume work associated with licensed material use until a determination of the individual's radiation dose has been made. This determination shall be made by the RSO or the RSO's designee. The results of this determination shall be included in the records maintained in accordance with Rule 0400-20-08-.15.
(e) If the personnel dosimeter required by subparagraph (a) of this paragraph is lost or damaged, the worker shall cease work immediately until a replacement personnel dosimeter meeting the requirements of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph is provided and the exposure is calculated for the time period from issuance to loss or damage of the personnel dosimeter. The results of the calculated exposure and the period for which the personnel dosimeter was lost or damaged shall be included in the records maintained in accordance with Rule 0400-20-08-.15.
(f) Dosimetry results must be retained in accordance with Rule 0400-20-08-.15.
(g) Each alarm ratemeter shall:
1. Be checked to ensure that the alarm functions properly (sounds) before using at the start of each shift;
2. Be set to give an alarm signal at a preset dose rate of five mSv/hr (500 mrem/hr); with an accuracy of plus or minus 20 percent of the true radiation dose rate;
3. Require special means to change the preset alarm function; and
4. Be calibrated at periods not to exceed 12 months for correct response to radiation. The licensee shall maintain records of alarm ratemeter calibrations in accordance with Rule 0400-20-08-.15.
(4) Conducting industrial radiographic operations.
(a) Whenever radiography is performed at a location other than a permanent radiographic installation, at least one other qualified radiographer or an individual who has at a minimum met the requirements of paragraph (3) of Rule 0400-20-08-.07 shall accompany the radiographer. The additional qualified individual shall observe the operations and be capable of providing immediate assistance to prevent unauthorized entry. Radiography shall not be performed if only one qualified individual is present.
(b) Reserved.
(5) Radiation safety officer (RSO) for industrial radiography. The RSO shall ensure that radiation safety activities are being performed in accordance with approved procedures and regulatory requirements in the daily operation of the licensee's or registrant's program.
(a) The minimum qualifications, training and experience for RSOs for industrial radiography are as follows:
1. Completion of the training and testing requirements of paragraph (1) of Rule 0400-20-08-.07;
2. 2000 hours of hands-on experience as a qualified radiographer in industrial radiographic operations; and
3. Formal training in the establishment and maintenance of a radiation protection program.
(b) The Department will consider alternatives when the RSO has appropriate training and/or experience in the field of ionizing radiation, and in addition, has adequate formal training with respect to the establishment and maintenance of a radiation safety protection program.
(6) Supervision of radiographers' assistants.

Whenever a radiographer's assistant uses radiographic exposure devices, associated equipment or sealed sources or conducts radiation surveys required by subparagraph (3)(b) of Rule 0400-20-08-.06 to determine that the sealed source has returned to the shielded position after an exposure, the assistant shall be under the personal supervision of a radiographer. The personal supervision shall include:

(a) The radiographer's physical presence at the site where the sealed sources are being used;
(b) The availability of the radiographer to give immediate assistance if required; and
(c) The radiographer's direct observation of the assistant's performance of the operations referred to in this paragraph.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-20-08-.05

Original rule filed February 22, 2012; effective May 22, 2012. Amendment filed March 3, 2015; effective June 1, 2015. Amendments filed December 4, 2023; effective 3/3/2024.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq.; 68-202-101, et seq.; and 68-202-201, et seq.