Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-15-01-.10

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0400-15-01-.10 - REMEDIAL DESIGN
(1) Purpose

The purpose of the remedial design documents is to present the specific details of the selected remedial alternative based on the feasibility study and supporting documents. The design documents shall be stamped by a registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Tennessee. Records of Decision and Remedial Design at sites being investigated and remediated pursuant to CERCLA requirements at 40 C.F.R. §300 will be deemed to meet the requirements of this rule.

(2) Initial Remedial Design

The Initial Remedial Design report is the process design of the selected alternative. The report must demonstrate quantitatively that the selected alternative will perform as intended. The level of complexity in the report will usually be intermediate between that of a general design in the feasibility study and the detailed design in the final plans and specifications. An Initial Remedial Design report shall be first submitted by the responsible party and approved before the remedial design contractor finalizes the plans and specifications. The following items shall be included in the report: .

(a) A summary of the remedial alternative selected during the Feasibility Study and as defined in the Departments Record of Decision.
(b) A list of the objectives of the remedial action. The objectives shall include identifying and quantifying the contaminants to be remediated, and the concentration before and after the remedial action.
(c) Performance standards to be used in the design of the treatment units or processes.
(d) Site topographic map and preliminary layouts.
(e) Sizes of the treatment units that are specified on the basis of appropriate design calculations.
(f) All the discharges or emissions expected as a result of the remedial action; the ARAR's and the types of treatment necessary to meet those requirements; and mass balance calculations for the major units.
(g) Cost estimates and a schedule of implementation.
(h) Additional studies required for on-site treatment or disposal of contaminated waste. These studies could include field work, bench test, and pilot scale studies.
(3) Final Remedial Design

The final Design shall include specific and detailed steps that describe how the project will be constructed and/or remediated. The final Design shall be prepared by the responsible party and shall include:

(a) Quality assurance and quality control measures for sampling or monitoring activities. The plan shall include a precise description of the project and scope of work.
(b) Treatment unit specifications.

Complete detailed plans and specifications including size, capacity, treatment efficiency, and other design considerations that apply to the specific site.

(c) Treatment/removal processes.

Treatment and removal processes detailing waste to be removed or treated; transportation required; disposal location; and other supporting data.

(d) Schedule of implementation.

A schedule that details significant milestones for the entire project.

(e) Remediation Goals.

A listing of cleanup standards as required in the ROD.

(f) Equipment start-up and operator training procedures.

Requirements for providing service visits by experienced personnel; adjustments; startup and operation of the treatment systems; and appropriate operational procedures training.

(g) Disposal, transportation and other permit requirements.
(h) Estimated cost.

An estimate and estimate summary sheet that details all associated cost of the project.

(i) Public awareness process and schedule.

A summary of the public awareness schedule that describes the method and frequency of notifying the public of the remedial action.

(j) Health and Safety Plan.

Before performing site activities a health and safety plan which complies with OSHA requirements shall be prepared and submitted by the responsible party(ies).

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-15-01-.10

Original rule filed June 19, 2012; effective September 17, 2012. Rule was renumbered from 1200-01-13.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-212-201 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq.