Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-11-02-.06

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) All grant proposals shall be evaluated according to their relative accuracy, completeness and potential contribution to achieving the goal stated in Rule 0400-11-02-.01, using the following criteria:
(a) Identification of the Waste Reduction Problem

Description of the hazardous or toxic waste covered by the proposal including the chemical characterization of the waste and the quantity produced on an annual basis. The method(s) presently used by the applicant to manage the waste to be studied.

(b) Soundness of Technical Approach

The description of the activities to be taken to complete the study including scope of work and the methods to be used to collect and analyze data to evaluate the effectiveness of the method or technology being studied.

(c) Financial Support

Provision of financial support sufficient to bring the study to a reasonable conclusion including a breakdown of expenditures expected for labor, travel, materials, laboratory analyses, computer time and other specialized costs related to the proposed project.

(d) Environmental and Economic Benefits

The reduced environmental impact and the amount of money that would be saved if the study is implemented.

(e) Reference to the Statewide Problem

The practicality of the application of the study recommendations to similar waste streams statewide and the potential for reducing hazardous or toxic waste statewide.

(f) Qualification of the Project Director

The qualifications of the project director as they relate to the type and scope of the proposed project.

(g) Amount of Waste to be Reduced

The estimated amount of hazardous and/or toxic waste that would be reduced at the site being studied or in case of a research project an estimate as applied to typical waste streams.

(h) Project Schedule

The proposed schedule of activities which will lead to a satisfactory conclusion of the project within the contract period.

(2) Each criterion provided in paragraph (1) of this rule shall be given equal weight. Each proposal shall be rated using all criteria. Each proposal shall be given a numerical score for each criterion based on the accuracy, completeness and the degree to which the application statements are directed toward the program goal. The sum of the numerical scores for all of the criteria shall be the score for that application.
(3) All proposals shall be ranked in order of priority for the purpose of selecting the eligible applicants for the available funds. A higher scoring proposal shall be given priority over a lower scoring proposal. In case of a tie the proposal received earliest shall be given priority.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-11-02-.06

Original rule filed June 19, 2012; effective September 17, 2012.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-212-201 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq.