Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-02-13-.04

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) A person shall only hold one commercial use authorization, which shall be amended as necessary to include all commercial park activities in which such person is engaging and all state parks where such activity will occur. To request an amendment to a commercial use authorization, a person shall file an amendment request, accompanied by the required amendment request fee, with the Commissioner that includes:
(a) The name of the applicant;
(b) The commercial park activity that is to be added or removed from the commercial use authorization;
(c) The expected revenues from the commercial park activity, as requested to be amended, per year;
(d) Proof of any additional operation plans and emergency operation plans for the proposed commercial park activity that is necessary because of the amendment;
(e) Proof that the applicant is qualified to provide the proposed commercial park activity, as amended, including but not limited to additional training for all staff that will participate in the proposed commercial park activity;
(f) A statement of the expected group size, if applicable, and frequency of commercial park activity, if changed by the proposed amendment;
(g) The state park or parks where the commercial park activity is proposed to occur, as amended; and
(h) Any other documentation or information reasonably requested by the Commissioner regarding the commercial park activity, as requested to be amended.
(2) If the Commissioner determines, in the Commissioner's discretion, that the proposed commercial park activity, as amended, is an appropriate use of the state park or parks; will have a minimal impact on park resources and values; and is consistent with the park purpose, management plans, policies, and all statutes and rules, the Commissioner may amend the existing commercial use authorization. An amendment to any existing commercial use authorization shall not change the expiration date or market fee reporting date of the commercial use authorization. The Commissioner may further deny any request to amend a commercial use authorization for any reason listed in Rule 0400-02-13-.06.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-02-13-.04

Emergency rules filed June 29, 2021; effective through December 26, 2021. New rules filed September 21, 2021; effective 12/20/2021.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq., and 11-1-101.