Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-02-08-.13

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0400-02-08-.13 - TRAILS

Location, form, and plan of any trails other than natural wildlife paths shall be specified in the management plan and conform to the objectives of the natural area. Trails shall be adequate to provide for permitted use of a natural area and to prevent erosion, trampling of vegetation, and other deterioration, but otherwise shall be kept to a minimum. Use of tread materials, footbridges, and elevated walks is permissible when necessary and provided for in the management plan. Trail development in natural areas is limited to foot trails and foot bridges. Only low impact recreation associated with hiking is permitted on foot trails. An exception may be granted for county or municipal owned natural areas where bicycling was expressly permitted prior to designation, provided that it is mentioned as a deviation in the management plan, as provided in Rules 0400-02-08-.05 and 0400-02-08-.30.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-02-08-.13

Original rule filed June 7, 1974; effective July 7, 1974. Repeal and new rule filed September 16, 2013; effective December 15, 2013. Amendments filed January 11, 2021; effective 4/11/2021.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq.; 11-1-101; 11-13-106; and 11-14-104.