Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-02-02-.05

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0400-02-02-.05 - CAMPING
(1) Camping and the use of trailers or other camper units is permitted only at designated location: provided, however, that the Park Manager may issue written permits to persons desiring to camp in backcountry, or other isolated sections of a park area, or may designate portions of the park area in which such permits will not be required by marking on a map which shall be available for public inspection in the Park Offices.
(2) Within designated locations, the pitching of tents or parking of trailers or other camper units is permitted only at the sites designated.
(3) The Assistant Commissioner and/or Area Manager may establish limitations on the length of time persons may camp within a park area, either in a single period or in combined separate periods. Such limitations shall be posted at campgrounds, ranger stations, or other appropriate locations.
(4) The installation of permanent camping facilities is prohibited.
(5) The digging or leveling of the ground at any campsite is prohibited.
(6) Camping equipment must be completely removed and camping sites cleaned by campers before departure.
(7) Quiet shall be maintained in all campgrounds between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
(8) The gathering of wood for use as fuel in campgrounds or picnic areas shall be limited to dead material on the ground, except where such gathering is prohibited by the Park Manager by the posting of appropriate signs.
(9) Golf carts are only allowed on the paved roads within the campgrounds. Anyone operating a golf cart in the campgrounds must have a valid driver's license.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-02-02-.05

Original rule certified May 24, 1974. Amendment filed August 24, 1987; effective October 8, 1987. Amendment filed June 14, 2010; effective September 12, 2010. Amendment filed December 21, 2011; effective March 20, 2012.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 11-1-108, 11-1-101 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq.