Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0250-07-13-.11

Current through June 26, 2024
(1) The following form is composed of four (4) Parts making a complete package which must be used in situations pursuant to T.C.A.36-1-117(g) where the parent of a child sought to be adopted has signed the adoption petition for the purpose of giving con sent to the adoption of the child by the prospective, unrelated, adoptive parents and the Court, pursuant to that provision has set a hearing for the purpose of confirming this consent. The completion of the information in this form is required as part of the confirmation process by the Court before the parent's rights can be considered to be terminated by the parental consent and before orders or guardianship can be entered. The information in Section B of Part I must be obtained prior to entry of an order of guardianship based on a parental consent executed in an adoption petition by unrelated persons and may be obtained prior to and separately from Part A in order to obtain the order of guardianship. Parts I A., II and III should be completed at the time of the confirmation of the parental consent. Copies of Parts I and II should be given to the person executing the surrender and to the prospective adoptive parents. Copies of Part III should be given to the person executing the surrender and should be sent directly to the Department by the Clerk. Part IV, the revocation of surrender, which is part of the package, must be available to the parent at the time of the confirmation of the parental consent.
(2) The requirements for execution and processing of the forms are contained in T.C.A. §§36-1-111(k)(l)(m),(o) and (r) and 36-1-117(g) and are noted in summary manner on the forms.
(3) The information in these forms is confidential and is not to be released without the written approval of the court.
(4) Form:

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Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0250-07-13-.11

Original rule filed September 7, 2001; effective November 21, 2001.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq., 36-1-111, 36-1-112, 36-1-117(g), 36-1-125, 36-1-141, Public Chapter 532 (1995), and Executive Order #6, January 12, 1996.