Section 0120-01-.03 - CLARIFICATIONS TO OFFERING TO PRACTICE(1) The following items are not considered offering to practice architecture, engineering, or landscape architecture, provided that the architect, engineer or landscape architect is registered in another jurisdiction: (a) Advertising in publications or electronic media, provided there is no holding out of professional services in jurisdictions where not registered.(b) Responding to letters of inquiry regarding requests for proposals or requests for qualifications, provided there is written disclosure that the architect, engineer, or landscape architect is not registered in Tennessee and the response is limited to inquiries regarding scope of project and to demonstrate interest.(c) Responding to letters of inquiry from prospective clients, provided there is written disclosure that the architect, engineer, or landscape architect is not registered in Tennessee and the response is limited to inquiries regarding scope of project and to demonstrate interest.(d) Using the title "engineer," "architect," "landscape architect," or any appellation thereof, provided that the individual using the title is registered in another jurisdiction and clearly specifies the jurisdiction in which they are registered following the title so as not to mislead the public regarding their credentials.(e) Using the title "engineer," "architect," "landscape architect," or any appellation thereof in communications from an office in the jurisdiction where registration is held.(f) Any person gaining practical experience in an office of a practicing architect may use the title, appellation or designation "architectural associate".(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), proposals may not be submitted, contracts signed, nor work commenced until the architect, engineer, or landscape architect becomes registered in Tennessee, unless the architect, engineer, or landscape architect is either acting as a consulting associate in accordance with T.C.A. § 62-2-103(2) or working under the responsible charge of a Tennessee registrant.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0120-01-.03
Original rule certified May 3, 1974. Repeal and new rule filed October 2, 1978; effective January 29, 1979. Repeal and new rule filed January 14, 1980; effective February 28, 1980. Amendment filed October 15, 1986; effective November 29, 1986. Amendment filed March 13, 1997; effective May 27, 1997. Repeal filed November 17, 2014; effective February 15, 2015. On January 27, 2015, the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance's Division of Regulatory Boards filed a 75-day stay of the effective date; new effective date May 1, 2015. Amendments filed October 28, 2016; effective January 26, 2017. Amendments filed April 25, 2018; to have been effective July 24, 2018. However, the GOC filed a 45-day stay of the effective date of the rule; new effective date September 7, 2018. Amendments filed August 1, 2019; effective 10/30/2019.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-2-101, 62-2-103, and 62-2-203(c).