Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0080-03-01-.03 - UNIFORM CODE SYSTEM FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF DAIRY AND TRADE PRODUCTS(1) Plant numbers, assigned by the department, shall appear on all consumer packages of dairy and trade products in the following form:(a) The plant numbers employ five (5) digits of which the first two and the last three are separated by a dash (-). (Example 00-000) The first two digits are the number 47. This is followed by a dash (-). (Example 47-000)(b) The third digit preceded by the dash (-) indicates the type of operation for which the number is issued. 1. Number one (1) indicates a fluid milk or Grade "A" plant operation. (Example 47 100)2. Number two (2) indicates a frozen dessert manufacturing plant. (Example 47200)3. Number three (3) indicates a manufacturing plant operation. (Example 47-300)(c) The fourth and fifth digits are used to identify the individual plants.(d) In the event a product is processed by one company and distributed by another company, the name and address of the distributor or processor shall be on the information panel. The processing company is not required to put its name and address on the carton, if the number assigned it by the department and the name and address of the distributor are on the carton. In the event a processing plant operates more than one plant, it may use the address of the general office provided that the plant number of the plant where the product is processed is legible on the carton.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-03-01-.03
Original rule certified June 5, 1974. Repeal and new rule filed June 30, 2021; effective 9/28/2021.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-3-203 and 53-3-104.