S.D. Admin. R. 74:56:01:24

Current through Register Vol. 51, page 34, September 9, 2024
Section 74:56:01:24 - Release detection for all UST systems - General requirements and deadlines

Subject to subdivision (2) of this section, each owner or operator of existing UST systems shall provide for each UST a method or combination of methods of release detection that meets the following requirements:

(1) The release detection method or methods must be:
(a) Capable of detecting a release from any portion of the UST system;
(b) Installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks for operating or running condition;
(c) Capable of meeting the performance requirements for that method in §§ 74:56:01:26 to 74:56:01:33, inclusive, with any performance claims and their manner of determination described in writing by the equipment manufacturer or installer.
(d) When a release detection method operated in accordance with the performance standards in § 74:56:01:25 74:56:01:31 and 74:56:01:34-35 indicates a release may have occurred, owners and operators must notify the department in accordance with 74:56:01:40.
(e) Sampled, tested, or checked for releases at least once each 30 days, except as provided for tank testing in § 74:56:01:26;
(2) The deadlines for compliance of all existing UST systems with the release detection requirements of this section and §§ 74:56:01:26 to 74:56:01:33, inclusive, are as follows:
(a) For any existing UST system that is not protected from corrosion or not constructed of noncorrodible materials, no later than November 30, 1990; and
(b) For any existing UST system that is protected from corrosion or constructed of noncorrodible materials, no later than November 30, 1992.

Any existing UST system that cannot apply a method of release detection that complies with this section and § 74:56:01:25 shall permanently close in accordance with § 74:56:01:54 by November 30, 1990, if the UST system is not protected from corrosion or not constructed of noncorrodible materials or by November 30, 1992, if the UST system is protected from corrosion or constructed of noncorrodible materials.

(3) Tank systems installed after October 13, 2018, must comply with release detection method requirements contained in § 74:56:01:30.
(4) Beginning on October 13, 2021, the method or combination of methods of release detection is operated and maintained, and electronic and mechanical components are tested for proper operation. A test of the proper operation must be performed at least annually and, at a minimum, as applicable to the facility, cover the following components and criteria:
(a) Automatic tank gauge and other controllers: test alarm; verify system configuration; test battery backup;
(b) Probes and sensors: inspect for residual buildup; ensure floats move freely; ensure shaft is not damaged; ensure cables are free of kinks and breaks; test alarm operability and communication with controller;
(c) Automatic line leak detector: test operation to meet criteria in § 74:56:01:34 by simulating a leak;
(d) Vacuum pumps and pressure gauges: ensure proper communication with sensors and controller; and
(e) Hand-held electronic sampling equipment associated with groundwater and vapor monitoring: ensure proper operation.

Note to paragraph (4). The following code of practice may be used to comply with paragraph (4) of this section: Petroleum Equipment Institute Publication RP1200, "Recommended Practices for the Testing and Verification of Spill, Overfill, Leak Detection and Secondary Containment Equipment at UST Facilities".

S.D. Admin. R. 74:56:01:24

14 SDR 76, effective 11/29/1987; 18 SDR 62, effective 10/10/1991; transferred from § 74:03:28:10, July 1, 1996; 44 SDR 192, effective 6/28/2018

General Authority: SDCL 34A-2-93, 34A-2-99.

Law Implemented: SDCL 34A-2-98, 34A-2-99.