The purpose of this regulation is to promote patient safety in the non-hospital office-based setting during procedures that require the administration of local anesthesia, sedation/analgesia, or general anesthesia, or minor or major conduction block. Moreover, this regulation has been developed to provide physicians performing office-based surgery (including cryosurgery and laser surgery), that requires anesthesia (including tumescent anesthesia), analgesia or sedation, the benefit of uniform professional standards regarding qualification of practitioners and staff, equipment, facilities and policies and procedures for patient assessment and monitoring. Level I procedures as defined in (B)(13) are excluded from this regulation.
For the purpose of this regulation, the following terms are defined:
Each office-based practice, at a minimum, must develop and implement policies and procedures on the topics listed below. The policies and procedures must be periodically reviewed and updated. The purpose of the policies and procedures is to assist in providing safe and quality surgical care, assure consistent personnel performance, and promote an awareness and understanding of the inherent rights of patients.
S.C. Code Regs. § 81-96