Changes to the sequence of construction operations may be modified by the person conducting the land disturbing activity or their representative and do not constitute a violation unless measures to control stormwater runoff and sediment are not utilized.
This general permit will be valid for a period of three years and will be subject to the same review criteria by the Commission as that of the delegated program elements.
The use of the general permit classification does not relinquish a land disturbing activity from the requirements of these Regulations. Rather, the general permit precludes that activity from the necessity of a specific plan review for each individual project.
Approval of a general permit does not relieve any agency from the conditions that are part of the general permit approval regarding the implementation of control practices as required by the general permit. Failure to implement control practices pursuant to conditions included in the general permit may result in the revocation of the general permit and the requirement of the submission of individual plans for each activity.
The requirements contained above may be indicated on one plan sheet.
S.C. Code Regs. § 72-307