(Name), Administrator
S. C. Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation - OSHA Address of Area Office (on the citation)
[Company's Name]
[Company's Address]
Check one:
Abatement Plan [ ]
Progress Report [ ]
Optional Report Number __________________________________________________________
Page __________________ of ______________________________________________________
Citation Number(s)* _____________________________________________________________
Item Number(s)* ________________________________________________________________
Action Proposed Completion Completion Date (for
Date (for Abatement Progress reports only)
Plans only)
1. ____________________________ _____________________ ________________________ ________________________
2. ____________________________ _____________________ ________________________ ________________________
3. __________________________ ___________________ ______________________ ________________________
4. ____________________________ _____________________ ________________________
5. __________________________ ___________________ ______________________ ________________________
6. __________________________ ___________________ ______________________ ________________________
7. ____________________________ _____________________ ________________________ ________________________
Date required for final abatement: _____________________________________________
I attest that the information contained in this document is accurate.
Typed or Printed Name
Name of primary point of contact for questions: (optional)
Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________________________
*Abatement plans or progress reports for more than one citation item may be combined in a single abatement plan or progress report if the abatement actions, proposed completion dates, and actual completion dates (for progress reports only) are the same for each of the citation items.
S.C. Code Regs. ch. 71, art. 1, subart. 4, app B