S.C. Code Regs. § § 62-310

Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
Section 62-310 - Definitions
A. "Academic year" is defined as the twelve-month period of time during which a full-time student is expected to earn thirty credit hours. The period of time used to measure the academic year consists of the fall, spring and immediately succeeding summer terms.
B. "Annual credit hour requirement" is defined for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship as a minimum of thirty (30) credit hours taken and earned at the end of each academic year based on the date of initial college enrollment. Credit hours cannot include remedial, continuing education, exempted credit hours (such as AP, CLEP, IB, etc.), credit hours earned before high school graduation (dual enrollment) and credit hours earned the summer term immediately following high school graduation. Credit hours earned before high school graduation, including Advanced Placement (AP) credit hours, International Baccalaureate (IB) credit hours, exempted credit hours as well as credit hours earned on active duty, must be placed on the student's official college transcript by the institution at which they are earned, and be counted toward the annual credit hour requirement for the purposes of the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement. Eligible Palmetto Fellows may prorate their award amount for the term of graduation (see section 62-330.B.).
C. "Approved five-year bachelor's degree program" is defined as a five-year bachelor's program that is defined and approved by the Commission on Higher Education to receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship for a maximum of ten terms and the Scholarship Enhancement for a maximum of eight terms at the same eligible independent or public institution in order to complete the requirements for a bachelor's degree. An approved five-year bachelor's degree program does not include institutional and cooperative "3 plus 2" programs.
D. "Bachelor's degree program" is defined as an undergraduate program of study leading to the first bachelor's degree as defined by the U.S. Department of Education.
E. "CIP (Classification of Instructional Program) Code" is defined as the U.S. Department of Education's standard for federal surveys and state reporting for institutional data (majors, minors, options and courses). For the purpose of receiving the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement, CIP Codes have been approved by the Commission on Higher Education for eligible degree programs in the fields of mathematics and science.
F. "Continuing education coursework" is defined as postsecondary courses designed for personal development and that cannot be used as credit toward a degree.
G. "Continuously enrolled" is defined as enrollment without an interruption that would require the student to pursue a formal process of readmission to that institution. Formal petitions or applications for change of degree level shall be considered readmissions with the exception of students changing degree level within the programs cited in paragraphs L and HH of this section and students who have been granted preapproved leave status for no longer than one semester by their institution. Continuously enrolled includes summer terms, military mobilization, or students who transfer from a four-year institution only to return to a four-year institution. Students who are enrolled in internships, cooperative work programs, travel study programs, or National or International Exchange Programs that are approved by the home institution are considered continuously enrolled. Any student who has been suspended, expelled, does not attend subsequent (or consecutive semesters) that does not require a formal process of readmission to that institution, or voluntarily withdraws from a four-year institution and/or enrolls at a two-year institution during the interruption is considered to be no longer continuously enrolled.
H. "Cost-of-attendance" is defined by Title IV regulations and may include tuition, fees, books, room and board, and other expenses related to transportation, disability or dependent care.
I. "Cumulative grade point average (GPA)" is defined as the cumulative institutional GPA used for graduation purposes, which includes dividing the total number of quality points earned in all courses by the total credit hours in all courses attempted at the student's home institution. The cumulative GPA must be at least a 3.0 at the home institution for graduation purposes at the end of each academic year based on the date of initial college enrollment.
J. "Date of initial college enrollment" is defined as the first time a student matriculates into a postsecondary degree-granting institution after high school graduation or completion of an approved home school program, excluding the summer term immediately prior to the student's enrollment in the first regular academic year. Students must remain continuously enrolled as any break in enrollment (excluding summer) will count toward the student's terms of eligibility.
K. For the purposes of the Scholarship Enhancement, "declared major" is defined as an eligible degree program in which a student is enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking student. The student must meet all requirements as stipulated by the policies established by the institution and the academic department the student is enrolled in a declared major in an eligible degree program. Students cannot take courses related to a specific program without meeting institutional and departmental policies and be considered enrolled in a declared major. Students must be enrolled in a declared major in an eligible degree program that is approved and assigned a CIP code by the Commission. Eligible degree programs are those listed as such on the Commission's Web site. Students who change their declared major from an ineligible degree program to an eligible degree program within the same academic year shall not receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement for that academic year. Additionally, students who change their declared major from an eligible degree program to an ineligible degree program within the same academic year will not lose eligibility until the next academic year.
L. "Degree-seeking student" is defined as a student enrolled full-time in a program of study that leads to the first bachelor's degree, first approved five-year bachelor's degree or a program of study that is structured so as not to require a bachelor's degree at an eligible independent or public institution. Students must maintain their undergraduate status in order to receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship and the Scholarship Enhancement each academic year, with the exception of students enrolled in the following programs:
1) Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies at the Medical University of South Carolina;
2) Doctor of Pharmacy at the Medical University of South Carolina;
3) Doctor of Pharmacy at the University of South Carolina; and
4) Doctor of Pharmacy at Presbyterian College.
M. "Eligible degree program" is defined for the purposes of the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement as a degree program in mathematics or science as approved by the SC Commission on Higher Education. These programs include science or mathematics disciplines, computer science or informational technology, engineering, health care and health care related disciplines (including nursing, pre-medicine and pre-dentistry) as defined by the Commission on Higher Education. Enrollment in a minor does not meet the requirements of an eligible degree program for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement. Students must be enrolled in a declared major in an eligible degree program that is approved and assigned a CIP Code by the Commission. Eligible degree programs are those listed as such on the Commission's Web site.
N. "Eligible high school" is defined as a public, private, charter, virtual, Montessori, or Magnet high school located within South Carolina, an approved home school program as defined in relevant State Statute (Sections 59-65-40, 45, and 47) or a preparatory high school located outside of the State while the student is a dependent of a legal resident of South Carolina who has custody or pays child support and college expenses of the dependent high school student in accordance with Section 59-112-10. A "preparatory high school" (out-of-state) is defined as a public or private school recognized by the state in which the school is located to offer curricula through the twelfth grade and prepares students for college entrance.
O. "Early awards" is defined as a period determined by CHE to apply for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. Application must be made through the students' high school. This period is generally from the end of the student's junior year (3rd year in high school) through April of the student's senior year (4th year in high school.
P. "Early graduate" is defined as a student who graduates mid-year their senior year.
Q. "Eligible institution" is defined as a South Carolina two-year or four-year public or independent postsecondary, degree-granting institution.
R. "Felonies" are defined as crimes classified under State statute (Section 16-1-10) for which the punishment in federal or state law and typically requires imprisonment for more than one year.
S. "Fifth year" is defined as the ninth or tenth consecutive term of undergraduate coursework in an approved five-year bachelor's program. The fifth year is based on the student's date of initial college enrollment after graduation from high school.
T. "First/freshman year" is defined as the first or second consecutive term of undergraduate coursework following high school graduation.
U. "For graduation purposes" is defined as any grade or credit hour that the home institution requires in accordance with their policies and procedures for graduation of the student, including electives and additional coursework.
V. "Fourth year" is defined as the seventh or eighth consecutive term of undergraduate coursework. The fourth year is based on the student's date of initial college enrollment after graduation from high school.
W. "Full-time student" shall mean a student who has matriculated into a program of study leading to the first year certificate program, first two-year diploma program, first associate degree, first bachelor's degree, first approved five-year bachelor's degree or a program of study that is structured so as not to require a bachelor's degree and leads to a graduate degree and who enrolls full-time, usually fifteen credit hours for the fall and fifteen credit hours for the spring term. In order for the student to be eligible for Scholarship disbursement, the student must be enrolled full-time at the home institution as stipulated by Title IV Regulations, except that credit hours may not include remedial coursework or continuing education coursework. Eligible Palmetto Fellows may prorate their award amount for the term of graduation (see section 62-330.B.).
X. "Gift aid" is defined as scholarships and grants that do not nor will not under any circumstance require repayment, and excludes any self-help aid such as student loans and work-study.
Y. "Home institution" is defined as the independent or public institution where the student is currently enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking student and may be eligible for financial aid at the same institution.
Z. "Independent institutions" are defined, for the purposes of the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship and the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement Programs, as those two-year and four-year institutions eligible to participate in the South Carolina Tuition Grants Program as defined in Chapter 113 of Title 59 of the 1976 Code, which stipulates that an "independent institution of higher learning means any independent eleemosynary junior or senior college in South Carolina whose major campus and headquarters are located within South Carolina and which is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; or an independent bachelor's level institution which was incorporated in its original charter in 1962, was granted a license to operate in 1997 by the Commission on Higher Education, has continued to maintain a campus in South Carolina, and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Institutions whose sole purpose is religious or theological training or the granting of professional degrees do not meet the definition of 'public or independent institutions' for purpose of this charter". Two-year independent institutions are not eligible to participate in the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Program.
AA. "Ineligible degree program" is defined for the purposes of the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement as any degree program that is not on the Commission's posted list of eligible degree programs.
BB. "Late awards" is defined as a period determined by CHE for high school seniors to apply for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. Application must be made through the students' high school. This period is generally from May through June of the academic year.
CC. "Lawful Presence" is defined as individuals who are US citizens, permanent residents, or non-US citizens and non-permanent residents who are legally present in the US. When verifying the lawful presence of an individual, institutional personnel shall not attempt to independently verify the immigration status of any alien, but shall verify any alien's immigration status with the federal government pursuant to 8 USC Section 1373(c). Only those individuals whose lawful presence in the US has been verified prior to initial college enrollment may receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship and Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement.
DD. "Military mobilization" is defined as a situation in which the U.S. Department of Defense orders service members to active duty away from their normal duty assignment during a time of war or national emergency. Service members include:
1) active duty and reserve members in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, and;
2) members of the Army and Air National Guard.
EE. "Misdemeanor offenses" are defined as crimes classified under State statute (Section 16-1-100) , less serious than felonies, and are typically punishable by fine or imprisonment for less than one year. A complete listing is located under Title 16 of State statute. Examples of alcohol and/or drug-related misdemeanor offenses in South Carolina include, but are not limited to, possession of alcohol while under the age of 21, possession of marijuana/illegal drugs, open container, transfer of alcohol to persons under 21, providing false information as to age (fake identification), etc.
FF. "Multi-handicapped student" shall be defined as a student who, in addition to being visually or hearing impaired, has at least one additional disabling condition that qualifies the student to receive specialized postsecondary education.
GG. "Palmetto Fellow" is defined as a student awarded the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship during his/her senior year of high school and continues to meet all eligibility requirements to receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. A Palmetto Fellow who is not awarded any Palmetto Fellows Scholarship funds due to the cost of attendance being met by other sources of financial aid will still be classified as a Palmetto Fellow.
HH. "Program of study that is structured so as not to require a bachelor's degree" shall be defined as a program of study that is structured so as not to require a bachelor's degree for acceptance into the program and leads to a graduate degree, which will be the student's first academic degree awarded, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education. Students are eligible for a maximum of eight terms as long as all other eligibility criteria are met and the program is approved by the Commission on Higher Education. Students must maintain their undergraduate status each academic term, with the exception of students enrolled in the following programs:
1) Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies at the Medical University of South Carolina;
2) Doctor of Pharmacy at the Medical University of South Carolina;
3) Doctor of Pharmacy at the University of South Carolina; and
4) Doctor of Pharmacy at Presbyterian College. Students who have been awarded a bachelor's or graduate degree are not eligible for funding.
II. "Public institutions" are defined, for the purposes of the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship and the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Enhancement Programs, as those two-year and four-year institutions of higher learning as defined in Chapter 103 of Title 59 of the 1976 Code, which stipulates "public higher education shall mean any state supported postsecondary educational institution and shall include technical and comprehensive educational institutions."
JJ. "Reapplication student" is defined as a student who applied for and was offered the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship as a senior in high school, but declined the award to take a Gap year or attend an out-of-state, four-year institution. Students taking a Gap year (see section 62-310.SS.) must enroll in an eligible South Carolina institution no later than the fall term one year immediately following high school graduation and make a request to CHE for reapplication for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. During the Gap year, the student cannot attend any institution of higher education or earn any college credit hours or they forfeit their Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. If the student was offered the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship as a senior in high school, but declined the award to attend an out-of-state institution at any time during the eight eligible terms immediately following high school graduation, after attending an out-of-state four-year institution, the student must return to South Carolina, enroll in an eligible South Carolina four-year institution, and make a request to CHE for reapplication for the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship.
KK. "Remedial coursework" shall be defined as sub-collegiate level preparatory courses in English, mathematics, reading or any other course deemed remedial by the institution where the course is taken.
LL. "Second year" is defined as the third or fourth consecutive term of full-time, undergraduate coursework. The second year is based on the student's date of initial college enrollment after graduation from high school.
MM. "South Carolina resident" is defined as an individual who satisfies the requirements of residency in accordance with the state of South Carolina's Statute for Tuition and Fees, Section 59-112-10, and all related guidelines and regulations promulgated by the Commission on Higher Education as determined by the institutional residency officer each academic year. A student must be considered a South Carolina resident at the time of high school graduation, and at the time of initial college enrollment, in order to receive a Palmetto Fellows Scholarship.
NN. "Satisfactory academic progress in a declared major" is defined for the purposes of the Scholarship Enhancement as the progress required by the institution and academic department in which the student is enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking student. Students must meet all requirements for satisfactory academic progress toward degree completion in their declared major as established by the policies of both the institution and the declared major in which the student is enrolled to meet the requirements of satisfactory academic progress.
OO. "Substantially deviates" shall be defined, for the purposes of reviewing out-of-state preparatory high school grading scales, as being less than equivalent to the current South Carolina Uniform Grading Policy.
PP. "Transfer student" is defined, for the purposes of the Program, as a student who has changed full-time enrollment from one eligible independent or public institution to another eligible independent or public institution.
QQ. "Transient student" is defined as a student enrolled in a non-matriculated status, which means he/she is granted temporary admission to earn credit hours that will transfer back to his/her home institution toward a degree. A transient student is not eligible to receive the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship or the Scholarship Enhancement unless the student is participating in a program that is both approved and accepted as full-time transfer credit by the home institution.
RR. "Third year" is defined as the fifth or sixth consecutive term of undergraduate coursework. The third year is based on the student's date of initial college enrollment after graduation from high school.
SS. "Gap Year" is defined as a period of time immediately following high school graduation, including a semester or academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) taken by the student as a break between high school graduation and the date of initial college enrollment. The Gap year must be taken immediately following high school graduation and does not constitute a break in enrollment.

S.C. Code Regs. § 62-310

Added by State Register Volume 22, Issue No. 6, Part 3, eff June 26, 1998; Amended by State Register Volume 23, Issue No. 2, eff February 26, 1999; State Register Volume 26, Issue No. 2, eff February 22, 2002; State Register Volume 27, Issue No. 6, Part 2, eff June 27, 2003; State Register Volume 29, Issue No. 6, eff June 24, 2005; State Register Volume 30, Issue No. 4, eff April 28, 2006; State Register Volume 33, Issue No. 6, eff June 26, 2009; State Register Volume 35, Issue No. 6, eff June 24, 2011; State Register Volume 43, Issue No. 05, eff. 5/24/2019; State Register Volume 45, Issue No. 05, eff. 5/28/2021; State Register Volume 46, Issue No. 05, eff. 5/27/2022.