Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
Section 61-91.100.101 - DefinitionsFor the purpose of these standards, the following definitions shall apply:
A. Administrator. The individual designated by the facility licensee to have the authority and responsibility to manage the facility.B. Adjusted Gross Revenue. Total Gross Revenue minus Medicaid and Medicare contractual adjustments only and bad debt.C. Administering Medication. The direct application of a single dose or multi-dose of medication to the body of a patient by injection, ingestion, or any other means.D. Advance Directive. A written statement such as a living will, a durable power of attorney for health care, or a do-not-resuscitate order relating to the provision of health care when the individual is incapacitated. The exercise by a patient of self-determination that encompasses making choices regarding life-sustaining treatment (including resuscitative services).E. Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. An individual who has official recognition as such by the S.C. State Board of Nursing.F. Ambulatory Surgical Facility. A facility organized and administered for the purpose of performing surgical procedures and/or endoscopy for which patients are scheduled to arrive, receive surgery, and be discharged on the same day.1. The owner or operator shall make the facility available to other providers who comprise an organized professional staff, i.e., an open medical staff (see Section 101.BB).2. This definition does not apply to any facility used as an office or clinic for the private practice of licensed healthcare professionals (see Section 101.JJ).G. Anesthesiologist's Assistant. An individual currently licensed as such by the S.C. Board of Medical Examiners.H. Anesthesiologist. A physician who has completed a residency in anesthesiology.I. Anesthetic Agent. Any drug or combination of drugs administered parenterally or inhaled with the purpose of creating conscious or deep sedation.J. Bad Debt. The amount a party has an obligation to pay, but that is considered uncollectible. Bad debt represents the portion of a patient's account not expected to be collected from the patient or other responsible party (the patient's portion). The patient's portion of a bill should not be categorized as bad debt for medically indigent patients. Bad debt must be differentiated from charity services. Patient charges otherwise eligible for classification as charity care should only be treated as bad debt if all conditions of your facility's charity care criteria are not met.K. Certified Nursing Assistant. A person whose duties are assigned by a licensed nurse and who has successfully completed a state-approved training program or course with a curriculum prescribed by the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, holds a certificate of training from that program or course and is listed on the South Carolina Registry of Certified Nurse Aides.L. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. A registered nurse who is authorized to practice as a certified registered nurse anesthetist by the S. C. State Board of Nursing.M. Charity Care. Any unpaid charges for services to patients as defined in S.C. Code Ann. Section 44-6-5(5). Only the portion of a patient's account that meets the facility's charity care criteria is recognized as charity.N. Contractual Adjustments. Any charges that are not paid by third-party payers and cannot be billed to the patient pursuant to contractual agreements. Contractual adjustments for Medicare, Medicaid and other payers should be captured separately.O. Controlled Substance. A medication or other substance included in Schedule I, II, III, IV, and V of the Federal Controlled Substances Act and the S.C. Controlled Substances Act.P. Consultation. A visit by Department representatives who will provide information to the licensee in order to facilitate compliance with these regulations.Q. Dentist. An individual currently licensed by the S.C. Board of Dentistry to practice dentistry.R. Department. The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC).S. Direct Care Staff Member. An individual who provides care, treatment, surgery, and/or services, or performs procedures for a patient.T. Endoscopy. Visual inspection of any cavity of the body by means of an endoscope.U. Existing Facility. A facility that was in operation and/or one that began the construction or renovation of a building, for the purpose of operating the facility, prior to the promulgation of this regulation. The licensing standards governing new facilities apply if and when an existing facility is not continuously operated and licensed under this regulation.V. Facility. An ambulatory surgical facility licensed by the Department.W. Gross Indigent and Charity Care Patient Charges. The total uncompensated charges for patients who qualify as indigent or charity under the relevant definitions.X. Gross Patient Revenue. Includes charges generated by all patients at full-established rates before provisions for contractual and other adjustments are applied. Include any revenue forgone for provision of care for indigent/charity patients at full-established rates.Y. Health Assessment. An evaluation of the health status of a staff member or volunteer by a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse, or by a registered nurse, pursuant to standing orders approved by a physician, as evidenced by the physician's signature in accordance with facility policy.Z. Indigent and Charity Care Write-Offs. Unpaid charges for indigent and charity care cases should be related only to the provision of ambulatory surgical facility services that are licensed and regulated by the Department. Unpaid charges from other lines of business should not be included.AA. Indigent Care. Any unpaid charges for services to medically indigent patients as defined in S.C. Code Ann. Section 44-6-5(5). Unpaid charges for patients who were eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, Third Party, or patients provided other free care are not included in Indigent Care.BB. Inspection. A visit by Department representative(s) for the purpose of determining compliance with this regulation.CC. Investigation. A visit by Department representative(s) to a licensed or unlicensed entity for the purpose of determining the validity of allegations received by the Department relating to this regulation.DD. Initial License. A license granted to a new facility.EE. Legally Authorized Healthcare Provider. An individual authorized by law and currently licensed in S.C. to provide specific medical care, treatment, procedures, surgery, and/or services to patients. Examples of individuals who may be authorized by law to provide the aforementioned care, treatment, procedures, surgery, and/or services may include, but are not limited to, advanced practice registered nurses, and physician assistants.FF. Legend Drug.1. A drug required by federal law to be labeled with any of the following statements prior to being dispensed or delivered:a. "Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription";2. A drug required by federal or state law to be dispensed pursuant to a prescription drug order or restricted to use by practitioners only;3. Any drug products designated by the S.C. Board of Pharmacy to be a public health threat; or4. Any prescribed compounded prescription within the meaning of the Pharmacy Act.GG. License. A certificate issued by the Department to an Ambulatory Surgical Facility to provide care, treatment, procedures, surgery, and/or services.HH. Licensed Nurse. An individual currently licensed by the S.C. State Board of Nursing as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse.II. Licensee. The individual, corporation, organization, or public entity that has received a license to provide care, treatment, procedures, surgery, and/or services at a facility and with whom rests the ultimate responsibility for compliance with this regulation.JJ. New Facility. All buildings or portions of buildings, new and existing, that are: 1. Being licensed for the first time;2. Providing a different service that requires a change in the type of license;3. Being licensed after the previous licensee's license has been revoked, suspended, or after the previous licensee has voluntarily surrendered the license and the facility has not continuously operated.KK. Open Medical Staff. Members of the medical staff, which includes physicians, dentists, or podiatrists, of an ambulatory surgical facility, that have individually submitted application to the facility, and subsequently been approved to perform surgery/procedures in accordance with criteria established by the facility for approving qualified applicants.LL. Operating Room. A room in which surgery is performed.MM. Other Free Care. Other uncompensated care provided as a result of employee discounts, administrative adjustments, courtesy discounts, small bill write-offs, or other similar write-offs not based on a patient's inability to pay. Should not include amounts properly classified as "contractual adjustments."NN. Other Revenue. Other revenues or gains are derived from services other than providing services to patients. This may include revenues shared with the facility from another organizational entity.OO. Nonlegend Medication. A medication that may be sold without a prescription and that is labeled for use by the consumer in accordance with the requirements of the laws of this State and the Federal government.PP. Pharmacist. An individual currently registered as such by the S.C. Board of Pharmacy.QQ. Physical Examination. An examination of a patient by a physician or physician assistant that addresses those issues identified in Section 802 of this regulation.RR. Physician. An individual currently licensed as such by the S.C. Board of Medical Examiners.SS. Physician Assistant. An individual currently licensed as such by the S.C. Board of Medical Examiners.TT. Podiatrist. An individual currently licensed as such by the S.C. Board of Podiatry Examiners.UU. Private Practice. An individually-licensed physician or group of licensed physicians who practice together at a certain location/address in a legally-constituted professional corporation, association, or partnership; patient encounters in the office or clinic are for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment, and not limited primarily to the performance of surgery and related care, treatment, procedures, and/or services.VV. Procedure Room. A room where procedures not requiring general anesthesia can be safely performed.WW. Quality Improvement Program. The process used by a facility to examine its methods and practices of providing care, treatment, procedures, surgery, and/or services, identify the ways to improve its performance, and take actions that result in higher quality of care, treatment, procedures, surgery, and/or services for the facility's patients.XX. Recovery Area. An area used for the recovery of patients.YY. Repeat Violation. The recurrence of a violation cited under the same section of the regulation within a 36-month period. The time-period determinant of repeat violation status is not interrupted by ownership changes.ZZ. Responsible Party. A person who is authorized by law to make decisions on behalf of a patient, including, but not limited to, a court-appointed guardian or conservator, or person with a health care power of attorney or other durable power of attorney.AAA. Revocation of License. An action by the Department to cancel or annul a license by recalling, withdrawing, or rescinding its authority to operate.BBB. Same Day. A period of time not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours after admission.CCC. Staff Member. An adult who is a compensated employee of the facility on either a full or part-time basis.DDD. Surgery. Treatment of conditions by operative means involving incision, whether with a scalpel or a laser, followed by removal or repair of an organ or other tissue.EEE. Surgical Suite. An area that includes one or more operating rooms and a recovery area.FFF. Surgical Technologist. An individual who meets one of the requirements listed in 1976 Code Section 44-7-380(B)(1)(a) - (d) to practice surgical technology in South Carolina.GGG. Suspension of License. An action by the Department requiring a facility to cease operation for a period of time or to require a facility to cease admitting patients until such time as the Department rescinds that restriction.HHH. Total Expenses. The sum of resources consumed in fulfillment of a facility's ongoing major or central operations. Expenses may result from current expenditures, incurring obligations to make future expenditures, or consuming resources obtained from previous expenditures. Expenses related to activities shared with entities other than the ambulatory surgical facility should be allocated between the entities. The expense component not allocated to the ambulatory surgical facility should not be included in the report. Appropriate matching of revenues and expenses excluded from the report should be made. Do not include bad debt as a total expense, but as a deduction from revenue.III. Total Gross Revenue. The total revenue for the facility from all patient revenue and from other revenues or gains derived from services other than providing services to patients.JJJ. Total Indigent and Charity Compensation. Funds provided by all public and private sources that are earmarked as compensation to offset uncompensated charges from indigent or charity care cases.S.C. Code Regs. § 61-91.100.101
Amended by State Register Volume 39, Issue No. 06, eff. 6/26/2015; State Register Volume 48, Issue No. 06, eff. 6/28/2024.