"Administrator" means the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or an authorized representative (revised 12/92).
"Applicable standards and limitations" means all State, interstate, and Federal standards and limitations to which a "discharge," a "sludge or disposal practice" or a related activity is subject under the CWA, including "standards for sewage sludge use or disposal," "effluent limitations," water quality standards, standards of performance, toxic effluent standards or prohibitions, "best management practices," and pretreatment standards under Sections301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308, 403, and 405 of CWA. (amended 11/90; 12/92)
"Application" means the forms for applying for a permit under these regulations, including any additions, revisions, or modifications to the forms. Application also includes the information required under parts 270.14 through 270.29 (contents of Part B of the RCRA application] (revised 12/92).
CWA means the Clean Water Act (formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of Federal Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) Pub. L. 92-500, as amended by Pub. L. 95-217 and Pub. L. 95-576; 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
"Draft permit" means a document prepared under 124.6 indicating the Department's tentative decision to issue or deny, modify, revoke and reissue, terminate, or reissue a "permit". A notice of intent to terminate a permit and a notice of intent to deny a permit as discussed in 124.5, are types of "draft permits." A denial of a request for modification, revocation, and reissuance or termination, as discussed in 124.5, is not a "draft permit." A "proposal permit" is not a "draft permit." (revised 12/92).
EPA means the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.
"Facility or activity" means any HWM facility or any other facility or activity (including land or appurtenances thereto) that is subject to regulation under the RCRA program and the Pollution Control Act.
404 definition removed
"Indian Tribe means" (except in the case of RCRA) any Indian Tribe having a Federally recognized governing body carrying out substantial governmental duties and powers over a defined area.
"Interstate agency" means an agency of two or more States established by or under an agreement or compact approved by the Congress, or any other agency of two or more States having substantial powers or duties pertaining to the control of pollution as determined and approved by the Department under the "appropriate Act and regulations."
"Major facility" means any RCRA "facility or activity" classified as such by the Department.
Owner or operator means owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to regulation under the RCRA program and the Pollution Control Act.
"Permit" means an authorization, license, or equivalent control document issued by South Carolina to implement the requirements of this part and 270. Permit includes RCRA "permit by rule" (270.60). Permit does not include RCRA interim status (270.70) or any permit which has not yet been the subject of final agency action, such as a "draft permit" or a "proposed permit" (revised 12/92).
Person means an individual, association, partnership, corporation, municipality, State, Federal, or Tribal agency, or an agency or employee thereof.
RCRA means the Solid Waste Disposal Act as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ( Pub. L. 94-580, as amended by Pub. L. 95-609, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.).
"Regional Administrator" means the Regional Administrator of the appropriate Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency or the authorized representative of the Regional Administrator.
Schedule of compliance means a schedule of remedial measures included in a permit, including an enforceable sequence of interim requirements (for example, actions, operations, or milestone events) leading to compliance with the appropriate Act and regulations.
"Site" means the land or water area where any "facility or activity" is physically located or conducted, including adjacent land used in connection with the facility or activity (revised 12/92).
State Safe Drinking Water Act means 44-55-10 et seq.
S.C. Code Regs. § 61-79.124.A.2