S.C. Code Regs. § § 61-68.D

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 9, September 27, 2024
1. Existing water uses and the level of water quality necessary to protect these existing uses shall be maintained and protected regardless of the water classification and consistent with the policies below.
a. A new activity or expansion of an existing activity shall not be allowed in Class ONRW, Class ORW, or Shellfish Harvesting Waters if it would exclude, through establishment of a prohibited area, an existing shellfish harvesting or culture use. A new activity or expansion of an existing activity which will result in a prohibited area may be allowed in Class SA or Class SB waters when determined to be appropriate by the Department and would not remove or impair an existing use.
b. Existing uses and water quality necessary to protect these uses are presently affected or may be affected by instream modifications or water withdrawals. The stream flows necessary to protect classified and existing uses and the water quality supporting these uses shall be maintained consistent with riparian rights to reasonable use of water.
c. Existing or classified ground water uses and the conditions necessary to protect those uses shall be maintained and protected.
2. Where surface water quality exceeds levels necessary to support propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife, and recreation in and on the water, that quality shall be maintained and protected unless the Department finds, after intergovernmental coordination and public participation, that allowing lower water quality is necessary to important economic or social development in the areas where the waters are located. In allowing such lower water quality, water quality adequate to fully protect existing and classified uses shall be maintained. The highest statutory and regulatory requirements for all new and existing point sources shall be achieved and all cost-effective and reasonable best management practices for nonpoint source control shall be achieved within the State's statutory authority and otherwise encouraged. In order to fulfill these goals, the Department shall consider (a) through (e) below when evaluating any proposed expansion or new discharge to waters of the State that will lower water quality to a measurable effect. This includes, but is not limited to, the new or increased loading of any pollutant or pollutant parameter in the effluent regardless of whether the discharge flow changes.
a. An alternatives analysis, conducted by the applicant, must demonstrate to the Department that none of the following applicable alternatives that would minimize or eliminate the lowering of water quality are economically and technologically reasonable:
(1) Water recycle or reuse;
(2) Use of other discharge locations;
(3) Connection to other wastewater treatment facilities;
(4) Use of land application;
(5) Product or raw material substitution; and
(6) Any other treatment option or alternative.
b. If an evaluation of the alternatives analysis reveals that economically and technologically reasonable treatment options, combined with any alternatives, would prevent the need for the lowering of water quality, the Department shall deny the request.
c. If there are no economically and technologically reasonable alternatives to a proposed discharge that will result in the lowering of water quality of a waterbody, the Department shall evaluate whether the proposed discharge is necessary for important economic or social development and may deny the request based upon this evaluation. For purposes of this evaluation, several economic and social factors may be considered, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Employment (increases, maintenance, or avoidance of reduction);
(2) Increased industrial production;
(3) Improved community tax base;
(4) Improved housing; and/or
(5) Correction of an environmental or public health problem.
d. Conformance of the proposed discharge with the applicable 208 Areawide Water Quality Management Plans may demonstrate importance to economic and social development as well as intergovernmental coordination and public participation.
e. Activities requiring permits or certification by the Department shall provide for public participation through the Department's existing public notification processes.
3. The water quality of outstanding resource surface waters designated as Class ONRW or Class ORW shall be maintained and protected through application of the standards for these classifications as described in Section G.
4. Certain natural conditions may cause a depression of dissolved oxygen in surface waters while existing and classified uses are still maintained. The Department shall allow a dissolved oxygen depression in these naturally low dissolved oxygen waterbodies as prescribed below pursuant to the Act, S.C. Code Sections 48-1-83, et seq.:
a. For purposes of section D of this regulation, the term "naturally low dissolved oxygen waterbody" is a waterbody that, between and including the months of March and October, has naturally low dissolved oxygen levels at some time and for which limits during those months shall be set based on a critical condition analysis. The term does not include the months of November through February unless low dissolved oxygen levels are known to exist during those months in the waterbody. For a naturally low dissolved oxygen waterbody, the quality of the surface waters shall not be cumulatively lowered more than 0.1 mg/L for dissolved oxygen from point sources and other activities; or
b. Where natural conditions alone create dissolved oxygen concentrations less than one hundred ten percent (110%) of the applicable water quality standard established for that waterbody, the minimum acceptable concentration is ninety percent (90%) of the natural condition. Under these circumstances, an anthropogenic dissolved oxygen depression greater than 0.1 mg/L shall not be allowed unless it is demonstrated that resident aquatic species shall not be adversely affected pursuant to S.C. Code Section 48-1-83. The Department may modify permit conditions to require appropriate instream biological monitoring.
c. The dissolved oxygen concentrations shall not be cumulatively lowered more than the deficit described above utilizing a daily average unless it can be demonstrated that resident aquatic species shall not be adversely affected by an alternate averaging period.

S.C. Code Regs. § 61-68.D

Replaced and amended by State Register Volume 47, Issue No. 05, eff. 5/26/2023.