Deviation from Requirement: | Major | Moderate | Minor |
Potential for Harm: | (11-30) | (4-10) | (1-3) |
$25,000-5,000 | $15,000-5,000 | $10,000-2,500 | |
Major | |||
(11-70) | |||
$10,000-2,500 | $7,500-1,000 | $5,000-500 | |
Moderate | |||
(6-10) | |||
$5,000-1,000 | $3,000-500 | $2,500-250 | |
Minor | |||
(0-5) |
Calculation of Base Penalty:
Each violation is assigned a relative point value as follows: Potential for Harm- 0-70, with 70 being maximum harm; Deviation from Requirement- 1-30, with 30 being the maximum deviation. Add the two values together, convert to a decimal value (15 to .15, for example), and multiply by the maximum per day per violation per civil penalty ($25,000). This is the base civil penalty per violation. The base penalty may be increased for repeat violations, multi-day penalties, or degree of recalcitrance, willfulness, negligence, or indifference.
Minimum Increase for Repeat Violations Found on Follow-up Inspections or Reinspections
Second Offense (First Follow-up Inspection or First Reinspection) | 15% |
Third Offense (Second Follow-up Inspection or Second Reinspection) | 30% |
Fourth Offense (Third Follow-up Inspection or Third Reinspection) | 45% |
Fifth and Subsequent Offenses | 60% |
Multi-Day Penalties:
Increase penalty 1% to 7% for each day of noncompliance.
Degree of Recalcitrance, Willfulness, Negligence, or Indifference:
Increase Penalty 10% to 50%.
S.C. Code Regs. § 61-65.I.RHC 1.11