S.C. Code Regs. § § 61-

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 9, September 27, 2024
Section 61- - Definitions

Unless stated otherwise, the definitions that appear in this section shall apply only to this Standard.

(a) Batch HMIWI - a HMIWI that is designed such that neither waste charging nor ash removal can occur during combustion.
(b) Continuous HMIWI - a HMIWI that is designed to allow waste charging and ash removal during combustion.
(c) Dry scrubber - an add-on air pollution control system that injects dry alkaline sorbent (dry injection) or sprays an alkaline sorbent (spray dryer) to react with and neutralize acid gases in the HMIWI exhaust stream forming a dry powder material.
(d) Fabric filter or baghouse - an add-on air pollution control system that removes particulate matter (PM) and nonvaporous metals emissions by passing flue gas through filter bags.
(e) Facilities manager - the individual in charge of purchasing, maintaining, and operating the HMIWI or the owner's or operator's representative responsible for the management of the HMIWI. Alternative titles may include director of facilities or vice president of support services.
(f) High-air phase - the stage of the batch operating cycle when the primary chamber reaches and maintains maximum operating temperatures.
(g) Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerator operator or HMIWI operator - any person who operates, controls or supervises the day-to-day operation of a HMIWI.
(h) Infectious agent - any organism (such as a virus, bacteria or prion) that is capable of being communicated by invasion and multiplication in body tissues and capable of causing disease or adverse health impacts in humans.
(i) Intermittent HMIWI - a HMIWI that is designed to allow waste charging, but not ash removal, during combustion.
(j) Large HMIWI-
(1) except as provided in (2),
(i) a HMIWI whose maximum design waste burning capacity is more than 500 pounds per hour; or
(ii) a continuous or intermittent HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 500 pounds per hour; or
(iii) a batch HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 4,000 pounds per day.
(2) the following are not large HMIWI:
(i) a continuous or intermittent HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is less than or equal to 500 pounds per hour; or
(ii) a batch HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is less than or equal to 4,000 pounds per day.
(k) Maximum charge rate-
(1) For continuous and intermittent HMIWI, 110 percent of the lowest three-hour average charge rate measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limits.
(2) For batch HMIWI, 110 percent of the lowest daily charge rate measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limits.
(l) Maximum design waste burning capacity-
(1) For intermittent and continuous HMIWI,

C= Pv × 15,000/8,500


C= HMIWI capacity, lb/hr

Pv= primary chamber volume, ft3

15,000= primary chamber heat release rate factor, Btu/ft3/hr

8,500 = standard waste heating value, Btu/lb;

(2) For batch HMIWI,

C=Pv × 4.5/8


C= HMIWI capacity, lb/hr

Pv= primary chamber volume, ft3

4.5 = waste density, lb/ft3

8 = typical hours of operation of a batch HMIWI, hours.

(m) Maximum fabric filter inlet temperature - 110 percent of the lowest three-hour average temperature at the inlet to the fabric filter (taken, at a minimum, once every minute) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the dioxins/furans emission limit.
(n) Maximum flue gas temperature- 110 percent of the lowest three-hour average temperature at the outlet from the wet scrubber (taken, at a minimum, once every minute) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the mercury (Hg) emission limit.
(o) Medium HMIWI-
(1) except as provided in paragraph (2);
(i) a HMIWI whose maximum design waste burning capacity is more than 200 pounds per hour but less than or equal to 500 pounds per hour; or
(ii) a continuous or intermittent HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 200 pounds per hour but less than or equal to 500 pounds per hour; or
(iii) a batch HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 1,600 pounds per day but less than or equal to 4,000 pounds per day.
(2) the following are not medium HMIWI:
(i) a continuous or intermittent HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is less than or equal to 200 pounds per hour or more than 500 pounds per hour; or
(ii) a batch HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 4,000 pounds per day or less than or equal to 1,600 pounds per day.
(p) Minimum dioxins/furans sorbent flow rate- 90 percent of the highest three-hour average dioxins/furans sorbent flow rate (taken, at a minimum, once every hour) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the dioxins/furans emission limit.
(q) Minimum mercury (Hg) sorbent flow rate- 90 percent of the highest three-hour average Hg sorbent flow rate (taken, at a minimum, once every hour) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the Hg emission limit.
(r) Minimum hydrogen chloride (HCl) sorbent flow rate- 90 percent of the highest three-hour average HCl sorbent flow rate (taken, at a minimum, once every hour) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the HCl emission limit.
(s) Minimum horsepower or amperage- 90 percent of the highest three-hour average horsepower or amperage to the wet scrubber (taken, at a minimum, once every minute) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the applicable emission limits.
(t) Minimum pressure drop across the wet scrubber- 90 percent of the highest three-hour average pressure drop across the wet scrubber PM control device (taken, at a minimum, once every minute) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the PM emission limit.
(u) Minimum scrubber liquor flow rate- 90 percent of the highest three-hour average liquor flow rate at the inlet to the wet scrubber (taken, at a minimum, once every minute) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limits.
(v) Minimum scrubber liquor pH- 90 percent of the highest three-hour average liquor pH at the inlet to the wet scrubber (taken, at a minimum, once every minute) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the HCl emission limit.
(w) Minimum secondary chamber temperature- 90 percent of the highest three-hour average secondary chamber temperature (taken, at a minimum, once every minute) measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the PM, CO, or dioxins/furans emission limits.
(x) Modification or Modified HMIWI- any change to a HMIWI unit after the effective date of these Standards such that:
(1) The cumulative costs of the modifications, over the life of the unit, exceed 50 percent of the original cost of the construction and installation of the unit (not including the cost of any land purchased in connection with such construction or installation) updated to current costs, or
(2) The change involves a physical change in or change in the method of operation of the unit which increases the amount of any air pollutant emitted by the unit for which standards have been established under Section129 or Section111 of the Clean Air Act.
(y) Operating day- a 24-hour period between 12:00 midnight and the following midnight during which any amount of hospital waste or medical/infectious waste is combusted at any time in the HMIWI.
(z) Operation- the period during which waste is combusted in the incinerator excluding periods of startup or shutdown.
(aa) Particulate Matter or PM - the total particulate matter emitted from a HMIWI as measured by EPA Reference Method 5 or EPA Reference Method 29.
(bb) Primary chamber- the chamber in a HMIWI that receives waste material, in which the waste is ignited, and from which ash is removed.
(cc) Prion - a small infectious pathogen containing protein which is resistant to procedures that modify or hydrolyze nucleic acids.
(dd) Secondary chamber- a component of the HMIWI that receives combustion gases from the primary chamber and in which the combustion process is completed.
(ee) Shutdown- the period of time after all waste has been combusted in the primary chamber. For continuous HMIWI, shutdown shall commence no less than two hours after the last charge to the incinerator. For intermittent HMIWI, shutdown shall commence no less than four hours after the last charge to the incinerator. For batch HMIWI, shutdown shall commence no less than five hours after the high-air phase of combustion has been completed.
(ff) Small HMIWI-
(1) except as provided in (2);
(i) an HMIWI whose maximum design waste burning capacity is less than or equal to 200 pounds per hour; or
(ii) a continuous or intermittent HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is less than or equal to 200 pounds per hour; or
(iii) a batch HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is less than or equal to 1,600 pounds per day.
(2) the following are not small HMIWI:
(i) a continuous or intermittent HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 200 pounds per hour;
(ii) a batch HMIWI whose maximum charge rate is more than 1,600 pounds per day.
(gg) Standard Conditions - a temperature of 20° C and a pressure of 101.3 kilopascals.
(hh) Startup- the period of time between the activation of the system and the first charge to the unit. For batch HMIWI, startup is the period of time between activation of the system and ignition of the waste.
(ii) Wet scrubber- an add-on air pollution control device that utilizes an alkaline scrubbing liquor to collect particulate matter (including nonvaporous metals and condensed organics) and/or to absorb and neutralize acid gases.

S.C. Code Regs. § 61-