Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
Section 61-58.8.B - Emergency Preparedness Plan(1) Each public water system shall maintain an up-to-date copy of the Emergency Preparedness Plan at a location that is readily accessible in the event of an emergency.(2) Each public water system shall conduct an assessment outlining the critical parts of the water system, i.e., raw water, treatment, storage, power sources.(3) Each community water system shall develop an Emergency Preparedness Plan which shall, as a minimum, contain the following: (a) the telephone number of the Department's District Office, the Department's drinking water program office and the Department's twenty-four (24) hour telephone number;(b) the name and telephone number of: (i) the County Emergency Preparedness Representative;(ii) the local law enforcement and highway patrol offices; and,(iii) the local fire department(s) and Emergency Medical Service (EMS);(c) the telephone number of the State Emergency Preparedness Office;(d) the names and telephone numbers of the water system's personnel who should be notified in the event of an emergency;(e) the locations and telephone numbers of primary and secondary command posts that may be utilized in the event of emergency;(f) the names and telephone numbers of current chemical suppliers;(g) the names and telephone numbers of the electric power, natural gas, telephone and cable companies, and if available, the locator service in the area;(h) the names and telephone numbers of critical users and the priority of service to each one, i.e., dialysis patients, hospitals, etc.;(i) the names and telephone numbers of potential sources of spare parts, pipe sections, repair clamps;(j) the names, addresses and telephone numbers of equipment suppliers and contacts for equipment repair, i.e. rewinding of motors, pump shaft repairs;(k) a list of any mutual aid agreements among water systems, such as emergency connections, personnel, equipment and chemical supplies;(l) the names, addresses and telephone numbers of contractors to call for making any repairs beyond the capability of the systems personnel;(m) the names and telephone numbers of well drillers (if applicable);(n) the names and telephone numbers of other sources of assistance such as engineers, laboratories;(o) arrangements for obtaining emergency power;(p) arrangements for obtaining potable water;(q) an up-to-date distribution map showing line sizes and the location of all valves, fire hydrants, blow-offs and pumping, storage and treatment facilities. If the map is too large to include in the plan, the plan must reference its location;(r) notification procedures to the public and media and example notices to be issued, such as notices instructing customers to boil their water prior to consumption; and,(s) emergency disinfection procedures for wells (if applicable), water lines and storage tanks;(4) Each non-community water system shall develop an Emergency Preparedness Plan which shall, as a minimum, contain the following: (a) the telephone number of the Department's District Office, the Department's drinking water program office and the Department's twenty-four (24) hour telephone number;(b) the names and telephone numbers of current chemical suppliers;(c) the names and telephone numbers of the electric power, natural gas and telephone companies;(d) the names and telephone numbers of potential sources of spare parts, pipe sections, repair clamps;(e) the names, addresses and telephone numbers of equipment suppliers and contacts for equipment repair, i.e., rewinding of motors, pump shaft repairs;(f) the names, addresses and telephone numbers of plumbing contractors to call for making necessary repairs;(g) the names and telephone numbers of well drillers (if applicable);(h) the names and telephone numbers of other sources of assistance such as engineers, laboratories;(i) arrangements for obtaining emergency power;(j) arrangements for obtaining potable water;(k) an up-to-date distribution map showing line sizes and the location of all valves, fire hydrants, blow-offs and pumping, storage and treatment facilities;(l) notification procedures to employees and the public and example notices to be issued; and,(m) emergency disinfection procedures for wells (if applicable), water lines and storage tanks;S.C. Code Regs. § 61-58.8.B