S.C. Code Regs. § § 61-58.7.D

Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
Section 61-58.7.D - Groundwater Sources and Treatment Plants
(1) All well heads and associated piping shall be inspected at a minimum of once a week. Stand-by wells shall be inspected and exercised_at least quarterly. Documentation of these inspections must be maintained.
(2) All groundwater treatment plants shall be monitored by an operator of the appropriate grade, at a frequency to ensure proper operation, but in no case less than once a day. Such monitoring may be accomplished through site visits and/or remote monitoring equipment approved by the Department.
(3) All pressure filters and enclosed aeration devices shall be opened and inspected per manufacturer's recommendation or as required to ensure proper operation.
(4) Valves provided for the isolation of each well shall be maintained to ensure proper operation.
(5) The check valve and blow-off on the well head piping shall be maintained.
(6) Adequate freeze protection for the well head piping shall be maintained.
(7) A flow meter shall be maintained for each well serving a community water system and each well which is equipped with chemical treatment. The meter shall be periodically calibrated to ensure accuracy in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Calibration records shall be kept on file for a minimum of three (3) years.
(8) Drainage systems shall be maintained so that surface water flows away from the well head.
(9) All wells shall be maintained so the sanitary seal, the casing, the screened vent and the concrete pad are in good repair and can prevent the entrance of contamination into the well.
(10) If a well is no longer used ,does not meet the requirements of a stand-by or emergency well, and is not converted to another active use (e.g. irrigation), it shall be properly abandoned in accordance with R.61-58.2.B(15).
(11) Public water systems using ground water as its drinking water source shall maintain compliance with R.61-58.2B(1).
(12) The capacity of a public water system which uses groundwater as its only drinking water source, shall be based on all operable wells pumping 16 hours a day or all operable wells minus the largest well pumping 24 hours a day, which ever is less. If the system has an additional source (surface water plant or metered connection from another public water system), the additional capacity from that source shall be used in determining the total capacity of the system. If the capacity of the system is exceeded on a consistent basis during the peak water use months, the system shall submit a preliminary engineering report to the Department within ninety (90) days addressing in detail any upgrade necessary to keep up with any growth in demand on the system. Construction plans and specifications for a new well may be submitted in lieu of the preliminary engineering report. In addition, the Department may elect not to issue any construction permits for new water line construction until the capacity of the system is increased.
(13) The public water system shall conduct monitoring as specified in R.61-58.2(B)(14)(c)(B)(14)(c)when required by the Department to determine if the ground water source is under the direct influence of surface water.
(14) Stand-by wells must be exercised and sampled for total coliform on at least a quarterly basis. In addition, stand-by wells must be sampled annually for nitrate and nitrite. This monitoring is conducted by the water system and records must be maintained for Department inspection. Whenever a stand-by well is put in service, the system must notify the Department as soon as possible, but in no case later than the end of the next business day.
(15) Emergency wells must be exercised on an annual basis to ensure that they are operable. Whenever an emergency well is placed into service, the system must notify the Department as soon as possible, but in no case later than the end of the next business day. In addition, the system must immediately issue a Boil Water Advisory for all portions of the system being served by the emergency well.

S.C. Code Regs. § 61-58.7.D