Contaminant | MCL(mg/l) | Methodology | Detection Limit(mg/l) |
Antimony | 0.006 | Atomic Absorption; Furnace Atomic Absorption; Platform ICP-Mass Spectrometry Hydride-Atomic Absorption | 0.003 0.00086 0.0004 0.001 |
Asbestos | 7 MFL [FN2] | Transmission Electron Microscopy | 0.01 MFL |
Barium | 2 | Atomic Absorption; furnace technique Atomic Absorption; direct aspiration Inductively Coupled Plasma | 0.002 0.1 0.002(0.001) [FN1] |
Beryllium | 0.004 | Atomic Absorption; Furnace Atomic Absorption; Platform Inductively Coupled Plasma [FN3] ICP-Mass Spectrometry | 0.0002 0.000026 0.0003 0.0003 |
Cadmium | 0.005 | Atomic Absorption; furnace technique Inductively Coupled Plasma | 0.0001 0.001 [FN1] |
Chromium | 0.1 | Atomic Absorption; furnace technique Inductively Coupled Plasma | 0.001 0.007(0.001) [FN1] |
Cyanide | 0.2 | Distillation, Spectrophotometric [FN4] Distillation, Automated, Spectrophotometric [FN4] Distillation, Selective Electrode [FN4] Distillation, Amenable, Spectrophotometric [FN5] | 0.02 0.005 0.05 0.02 |
Mercury | 0.002 | Manual Cold Vapor Technique Automated Cold Vapor Technique | 0.0002 0.0002 |
Nickel | 0.1 | Atomic Absorption; Furnace Atomic Absorption; Platform Inductively Coupled Plasma [FN3] ICP-Mass Spectrometry | 0.001 0.0006 [FN5] 0.005 0.0005 |
Nitrate | 10(as N) | Manual Cadmium Reduction Automated Hydrazine Reduction Automated Cadmium Reduction Ion Selective Electrode | 0.01 0.01 0.05 1 0.01 |
Nitrite | 1(as N) | Ion Chromatography Spectrophotometric Automated Cadmium Reduction Manual Cadmium Reduction Ion Chromatography | 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.004 |
Selenium | 0.05 | Atomic Absorption; furnace Atomic Absorption; gaseous hydride | 0.002 0.002 |
Thallium | 0.002 | Atomic Absorption; Furnace Atomic Absorption; Platform ICP-Mass Spectrometry | 0.001 0.00076 0.0003 |
[FN1] MFL = million fibers per liter > 10m. | |||
[FN2] Using a 2X preconcentration step as noted in method 200-7. Lower MDLs may be achieved when using a 4X preconcentration. | |||
[FN3] Screening method for total cyanides. | |||
[FN4] Measures "free" cyanides. | |||
[FN5] Lower MDLs are reported using stabilized temperature graphite furnace atomic absorption. |
WIDETABLE | ||||||
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Reference (Method Number) | ||||||
Contaminant | Methodology | EPA | ASTM [FN2] | SM [FN3] | USGS [FN4] Other | Other |
Antimony | Atomic Absorption; Furnace [FN6] Atomic Absorption; Platform [FN6] ICP'Mass Spectrometry [FN6] Hydride'Atomic Absorption [FN9] | 204.2 [FN1] 200.9 [FN6] 200.8 [FN6] | D-3697-87 | 3113 | ||
Asbestos | Transmission Electron Microscopy | EPA [FN12] | ||||
Barium | Atomic Absorption; Furnace [FN6] Atomic Absorption; Direct [FN6] Inductively Coupled Plasma [FN6] | 208.2 [FN1] 208.1 [FN1] 200.7 [FN6] | 3113B 3111D 3120 | |||
Beryllium | Atomic Absorption; Furnace [FN6] Atomic Absorption; Platform [FN6] Inductively Coupled Plasma [FN6] ICP'Mass Spectrometry [FN6] | 210.2 [FN1] 200.9 [FN6] 200.7 [FN6] 200.8 [FN6] | D-3645-84B | 3113 3120 | ||
Cadmium | Atomic Absorption; Furnace [FN6] Inductively Coupled Plasma [FN6] | 213.2 [FN1] 200.7 [FN6] | 3113B | |||
Chromium | Atomic Absorption; Furnace [FN6] Inductively Coupled Plasma [FN6] | 218.2 [FN1] 200.7 [FN6] | 3113B 3120 | |||
Cyanide | Distillation, Spec. Distillation, Automated, Spec. Distillation, Selective Electrode Distillation, Amenable, Spec. | 335.2 [FN1] 335.3 [FN1] 335.1 [FN1] | D-2036-89A D-2036-89A D-2036-89B | 4500-CN-D 4500-CN-E 4500-CN-F 4500-CN-G | 1330085 | |
Mercury | Manual Cold Vapor Technique [FN9] Automated Cold Vapor Technique [FN9] | 245.1 [FN1] 245.2 [FN1] | D3223-86 | 3112B | ||
Nickel | Atomic Absorption; Furnace [FN6] Atomic Absorption; Platform [FN6] Atomic Absorption; Direct [FN6] Inductively Coupled Plasma [FN6] ICP-Mass Spectrometry [FN6] | 249.2 [FN1] 200.9 [FN6] 249.1 [FN1] 200.7 [FN6] 200.8 [FN6] | 3113 3111B 3120 | |||
Nitrate | Manual Cadmium Reduction Automated Hydrazine Reduction Automated Cadmium Reduction Ion Selective Electrode Ion Chromatograph | 353.3 [FN1] 353.1 [FN1] 353.2 [FN1] 300.0 [FN11] | D3867-90 D3867-90 | 4500-NO"3$-E 4500-NO"3$-F | WeWWG/ 5880 [FN7] | B-1011 [FN8] |
Nitrite | Spectrophotometric Automated Cadmium Reduction Manual Cadmium Reduction Ion Chromatography | 354.1 [FN1] 353.2 [FN1] 353.3 [FN1] 300.0 [FN11] | D3867-90 D3867-90 | 4500-NO"3$-F 4500-NO"3$-E | B-1011 [FN8] | |
Selenium | Hydride-Atomic Absorption [FN9] Atomic Absorption; Furnace [FN6] [FN10] | 270.2 [FN1] | D3859-84A D3959-88 | 3114B 3113B | ||
Thallium | Atomic Absorption; Furnace [FN6] Atomic Absorption; Platform [FN6] ICP-Mass Spectrometry [FN6] | 279.21 200.9 [FN5] 200.85 | 3113 | |||
[FN1] Methods of Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH 45268 March 1983. EPA-600/4-79-020. | ||||||
[FN2] Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols. 11-01 and 11-02, 1991. American Society of Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. | ||||||
[FN3] Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 17th edition, American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association. Water Pollution Control Federation, 1989. | ||||||
[FN4] Techniques of Water Resources Investigations of the U.S. Geological Survey, Methods for Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments, Book 5, Chapter A-1, Third edition, 1989. Available at Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. | ||||||
[FN5] Methods for Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples. Available at NTIS, PB 91-231498. | ||||||
[FN6] Samples that contain less than 1 NTU (nephelometric turbidity unit) and are properly preserved (conc HNO"3 to pH < 2) may be analyzed directly (without digestion) for total metals, otherwise, digestion is required. Turbidity must be measured on the preserved samples just prior to initiation of metal analysis. When digestion is required, the total recoverable technique as defined in the method must be used. | ||||||
[FN7] Orion Guide to Water and Wastewater Analysis. For WeWWG/5880, p.5, 1985. Orion Research, Inc., Cambridge, MA. | ||||||
[FN8] Waters Test Method for Determination of Nitrite/Nitrate in Water Using Single Column Ion Chromatography, Method B-1011. Millipore Corporation, Waters Chromatography Division, 34 Maple Street, Milford, MA 01757. | ||||||
[FN9] For the gaseous hydride determinations of antimony and selenium and for the determination of mercury by the cold vapor techniques, the proper digestion technique as defined in the method must be followed to ensure the element is in the proper state for analyses. | ||||||
[FN10] Add 2 ml of 30% H"2O"2 and an appropriate concentration of matrix modifier Ni (NO"2), 6H"2O (nickel nitrate) to samples. | ||||||
[FN11] Method 300. Determination of Inorganic Anions in Water by Ion Chromatography. Inorganic Chemistry Branch, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory. August 1991. | ||||||
[FN12] Analytical Method for Determination of Asbestos Fibers in Water, EPA-600/4-83-043, September 1983, U.S. EPA Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA 30613. |
S.C. Code Regs. § 61-58.5.C