The stock of controlled substances maintained in hospital emergency rooms or outpatient facilities is kept for the use by or at the direction of physicians in the emergency room. Therefore, in order to receive such medication, a patient shall be examined by a physician in the emergency room or outpatient facility and the need for the particular controlled substance determined by such physician. It is not possible under federal requirements for the use of controlled substances for a physician to see a patient outside of the emergency room setting, or talk to the patient over a telephone, and then call the emergency room and order the administration of a stocked controlled substance upon the patient's arrival at the emergency facility. Cf., S.C. Code Ann. § 44-53-110, "administer" [' his presence...']; §§1103 and 1204 of this Regulation, requiring personal attendance, etc.
S.C. Code Regs. § 61-4.1900.1915