Provider TB Risk Classification | |
Low Risk Setting Less than 3 TB cases/year (see Part A) AND No risk factors are present (See Part B) | Low Risk TB Screening Baseline two step TST or single BAMT upon hire or contract/eligible for referral and prior to client contact. * If TST is positive or employee or caregiver is symptomatic, obtain chest X-ray and refer to Health Department for a symptom assessment and medical evaluation. * NO ANNUAL TST or BAMT required. * Perform/obtain annual symptom assessment if documented prior positive TST or has documentation of prior active TB disease. * Persons identified as a contact to an infectious case and having unprotected exposure will be evaluated in accordance with the Health Department's contact investigation policies and procedures. |
Medium Risk Setting 3 or more TB cases/year (see Part A) OR Other risk factors apply (see Part B) | Medium Risk TB Screening * Baseline two step TST or single BAMT upon hire contract/eligible for referral and prior to client contact. * If TST is positive or employee or caregiver is symptomatic, obtain chest X-ray and refer to Health Department for a symptom assessment and medical evaluation. * Perform/obtain ANNUAL TB screening test (TST, BAMT or symptom assessment) for each employee and caregiver. * Perform/obtain annual symptom assessment if documented prior positive TST or has documentation of prior active TB disease treatment. * Persons identified as contact to an infectious case and having unprotected exposure will be evaluated in accordance with the Health Department's investigation policies and procedures. |
Potential Ongoing Transmission Setting Evidence of ongoing M. tuberculosis transmission This is a temporary classification only, warranting immediate investigation. After the ongoing transmission has ceased, the setting will be reassessed for classification. | Potential Ongoing Transmission TB Screening * Report to local health department immediately. * Persons identified as a contact to an infectious case and having unprotected exposure will be evaluated in accordance with the Health Department's contact investigation policies and procedures. * Baseline two-step TST for TB or single BAMT for any new hire or any caregiver newly contracted or newly eligible for referral and prior to client contact while in this category. * Consult and coordinate with the Health Department for guidance as to when transmission has ceased and a new risk assessment can be completed. |
Sample Indications for Two-Step Tuberculin Skin Testing - TST
Employee & Client TST Situation | Recommended TST Testing |
1. No previous TST or BAMT result. | 1. Two-step baseline TST or single BAMT completed upon hire or contract/eligible for referral and prior to client contact. |
2. Previous negative TST or BAMT result > 12 months before new employment or contract/eligible for referral. | 2. Two-step baseline TST or single BAMT completed upon hire or contract/eligible for referral and prior to client contact. |
3. a. Previous documented negative TST result within 12 months before employment or contract/eligible for referral. b. Previous documented negative BAMT. | 3. a. Single TST needed for baseline testing; this will be the second step. b. Single BAMT needed. |
4. Previous documented positive TST result in millimeters. | 4. No TST or BAMT; need TB symptom assessment. |
5. Undocumented history of prior positive TST result. | 5. Two-step baseline or single BAMT upon hire or contract/eligible for referral and prior to client contact. |