S.C. Code Regs. § § 5-369

Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
Section 5-369 - Sanitation Requirements for Receiving, Reconditioning, and Storage Areas
(1) Floors shall be easily cleanable, smooth and of tight construction. Floors shall be of nonabsorbent material or shall be covered with a nonabsorbent coating.
(2) The joints at floor-wall junctures shall be tight and without cracks and tunnels.
(3) The floors shall be kept clean and in good repair.
(4) The surface of walls and ceilings shall be reasonably smooth and easily cleanable.
(5) All walls and ceilings shall be kept clean and in good repair.
(6) All openings to the outside shall have tight fitting doors and windows.
(7) If doors or windows are left open for ventilation, they shall be properly screened or protected to prevent easy entry of birds, rodents, insects, or other vermin.
(8) Reconditioning areas shall be adequately lighted so as to permit the activity for which the premises are used to be carried on safely and to permit effective cleaning and inspection of reconditioned goods.
(9) Light bulbs, fixtures, skylights, or other glass suspended over exposed foods shall be of safety type or otherwise protected to prevent food contamination in case of breakage.
(10) The water supply shall be adequate, of a safe and sanitary quality, and from a source approved by the Department.
(11) All apparatus, utensils and appurtenances used in the handling and reconditioning of salvage goods shall be so constructed and placed that they can be thoroughly cleaned. Such equipment shall be kept clean and sanitary and in good repair.
(12) No person shall live or sleep in any building used as a salvaging plant unless the salvaging plant or work room of such salvaging plant is separated by impervious walls without doors or windows or other openings from the parts of the building used for living or sleeping quarters.
(13) Vats, sinks and other washing equipment, provided with hot and cold running water and proper drains, shall be available for cleaning, rinsing, and bactericidal treatment of food containers to be reconditioned. Necessary equipment for drying, buffing, relabeling and repacking shall be provided where required.
(14) All employees shall be clean at all times and shall wear clean, washable clothing and hair restraints, where the operation requires. They shall not smoke or chew tobacco where unpackaged foods or cosmetics are handled.
(15) No person suffering from or afflicted with a contagious or infectious disease shall be employed in or about any part of a salvaging plant.
(16) The General Salvager shall provide a conveniently located toilet which shall be kept clean and in good repair. The toilet room shall be completely enclosed and well lighted. A hand washing facility shall be provided adjacent to or in the toilet room and shall be kept clean and in good repair. A sign directing employees to wash their hands before returning to work shall also be placed in all toilet rooms.

S.C. Code Regs. § 5-369