Such assessments shall be collected from the producers by the handler or distributor of the peanuts who shall deduct the full amount of assessment from the total proceeds due to the producers and shall remit to the Commission on a monthly basis on or before the tenth (10th) day of the month immediately following such deductions all assessments so collected. Peanuts stored in private or public storage within the State of South Carolina shall not be liable for assessment until sale is made, provided that peanuts placed in storage for Commodity Credit Corporation loan purposes shall be considered to have been sold for purposes of compliance with the provisions of the Act and this section. It shall be the responsibility of the producer of such peanuts to make and pay to the Commission such assessment as may be due immediately upon concluding such Commodity Credit Corporation loan without regard to future disposition of such loan or of the peanuts in question.
Any producer who shall be within the meaning of the term producer-distributor or producer-handler shall remit such assessment due to the Commission at the time specified above.
Disbursement of funds must be approved in writing by the Board Chairman and one other elected officer of the Board.
Any producer may, if dissatisfied with any assessment that has been levied and collected, be refunded the full amount of such assessment provided that demand for refund is made in writing and in the hands of the Commission and of the Chairman of the Board within 30 days from the date upon which assessment was due and that such assessment was properly paid and receipt issued prior to this date; provided that the payment of the assessment was not the result of legal action brought against such producer.
S.C. Code Regs. § 5-164