S.C. Code Regs. § § 27-1005

Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
Section 27-1005 - Certification Standards for Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L. Subsp. Sativa)
I. Application of Genetic Certification Standards
A. The General Certification Standards, Clemson University Regulation 27-190, as adopted are basic and applicable and together with the following specific standards constitute the standards for certification of hemp, as well as any standards approved by the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) Standards Council.
B. The Genetic Standards by AOSCA are modified as follows:
1. All production of hemp crops are subject to license application approval that may be required by regulatory authorities.
2. Only varieties of hemp approved by regulatory authorities are eligible for certification.
3. The allowable area of a hemp research area or production field may be determined by state or local agencies.
4. Growers may be required by regulatory agencies to obtain THC test results according to applicable regulations. Growers may be required to submit these results to the seed certifying agency before a crop certificate is issued.
II. Land Requirements
A. Hemp crops for Foundation and Registered classes must not be grown on land which in any of the preceding 3 years produced a crop of hemp.
B. Hemp crops for Certified classes must not be grown on land which:
1. In the preceding year produced a certified crop of the same variety.
2. In either of the preceding 2 years produced a non-certified crop of hemp or a different variety of hemp.
C. Weeds
1. The presence of Broomrape (Orobanche spp.) in hemp crops is cause for declining certified status.
III. Field Standards
A. Crop Inspection
1. It is the grower's responsibility to ensure that fields are inspected by an authorized inspector at least once prior to swathing or harvesting, except in the case of Foundation, Registered, and Certified monoecious types and unisexual hybrids and Foundation dioecious types, in which 2 inspections are required.
2. A field that is cut, swathed or harvested prior to crop inspection is not eligible for certification.
3. Fields must be inspected at a stage of growth when varietal purity is best determined. Crops not inspected at the proper stage for best determining varietal purity may be cause for declining certified status.
4. First inspection for all classes of monoecious types must be made just before or at early flowering. First inspection for all classes of dioecious types must be made after flowering when male plants are beginning to senesce.
5. Second inspection for all classes of monoecious types, and the Foundation class of dioecious types must be made when seeds are well forming.
6. Isolation areas will be inspected for volunteer hemp plants on each inspection.
B. Isolation
1. The area, density, stage of maturity and location of any contaminating pollen source is an important factor in cross pollination, and therefore must be noted on the Seed Crop Inspection Report for consideration in determining certification status. There shall not be any Cannabis sativa L. plants within 100 m of the crop and not more than 10 plants/ha beyond 100 m within the isolation requirement.
2. The required isolation must be present prior to flowering and crop inspection.

Table 1 -

Minimum Isolation Distances Required Between Inspected Hemp and Other Crops

Inspected Crop

Other Crops

Isolation Distance Required (feet)

Dioecious type - Foundation

Different varieties of Hemp Non-certified crop of Hemp


Lower certified class seed crop of same variety


Same class of certified seed crop of same variety


Dioecious type - Registered

Different varieties of Hemp Non-certified crop of Hemp


Seed crop of same variety that meets Certified standards for varietal purity


Seed crop of same variety that meets Registered standards for varietal purity


Dioecious type - Certified

Different varieties of Hemp

Non-certified Hemp


Planted with certified seed of the same variety that meets Certified standards for varietal purity


Seed crop of same variety that meets Certified standards for varietal purity


Monoecious type - Foundation

Dioecious variety of Hemp Non-certified crop of Hemp


Other Monoecious varieties

Lower certified class seed crop of same variety


Same class of certified seed of same variety


Monoecious type -


Dioecious variety of Hemp

Non-certified crop of Hemp


Different varieties of the same type of Hemp (Monoecious or Female Hybrid)


Seed crop of same variety that meets Certified standards for varietal purity


Seed crop of same variety that meets Registered standards for varietal purity


Monoecious type - Certified

Dioecious variety of Hemp

Non-certified crop of Hemp


Different varieties of the same type of Hemp (Monoecious or Female Hybrid)

Planted with certified seed of the same variety that meets

Certified standards for varietal purity


Seed crop of same variety that meets Certified standards for varietal purity


C. Impurity Standards

Impurities should be removed prior to crop inspection.

Any combination of impurities may be reason for declining certified status.

Table 2 indicates the maximum number of impurities permitted by AOSCA in approximately 10,000 plants of the inspected crop. The inspector makes at least 6 counts (10,000 plants each) or the equivalent to determine the number of impurities. The resulting average of these counts must not exceed the maximum impurity standards in Table 2.

Table 2 - Maximum Impurity Standards

Plot Crop

Maximum Impurity Standards per 10,000 plants

in Hemp Seed Crops

Maximum Number of Dioecious Male Plants

Shedding Pollen

Maximum Number of Off-Types or Other Varieties

Dioecious type -




Dioecious type -




Dioecious type -Certified



Monoecious type -




Monoecious type -




Monoecious type -




IV. Seed Standards
A. Hemp Seed Standards
1. Standards for Each Class

Standards for Each Class





Pure Seed (min.)




Inert Matter (max.) *




Weed Seeds (max.)




Total other crop seeds (max.)




Other Varieties (max)




Other kinds (max.)**




Germination (min.) ***




*Inert matter shall not include more than 0.5 per cent of material other than seed fragments of the variety under consideration.

**Other kinds shall not exceed 2 per lb. (454 grams) for Foundation; 6 for Registered; 10 for Certified.

***Exclusive of dormancy, firm or hard seed, or any other reference to viability.

B. Guidelines for the Production of Certified Hemp Seed
1. Definitions
a. "Hemp" (Cannabis sativa L. supsp.sativa.) includes varieties of these kinds:
i. Dioecious type: with male and female flowers on separate plants.
ii. Monoecious type: with male and female flowers on the same plant.
iii. (Unisexual Female) Hybrids: with sterile male and fertile female flowers on the same plant.
b. "Approved Cultivar" means any variety designated as eligible for production by federal or local regulatory authorities
c. "THC" means delta-nine ([DELTA] 9) tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the component of Hemp regulated by federal or local regulatory authorities.

Although traditionally a crop with a Dioecious plant type, many Monoecious varieties of hemp (Cannabis sativa L. supsp.sativa) have been developed. Hemp is sexually polymorphic and often produces many different ratios of intersexual plant types that can increase roguing requirements. Variety descriptions normally define these ratios.

d. "Foundation Seed Production" includes any means of processing or conditioning of seed from a Foundation production area which may contaminate the varietal purity of the seed is prohibited.
C. Area of Foundation Fields

When unforeseen circumstances do not permit proper maintenance of the entire field, it is recommended that the area be reduced by destroying part of the field or by isolating a part to meet the requirements of a lower status of certified seed. The remainder of the field must meet the requirements for Foundation field production.

The area of a Foundation field includes the "walkways" provided within the field to facilitate effective roguing.

D. Recommended Production Procedures

Field Planting

1. Fields should be planted to facilitate inspection, roguing and harvesting.
2. Fields should be planted in areas easily accessible for frequent maintenance and to provide the maximum protection from outside sources of contamination, such as roadways and building sites.
3. Regulations for land requirements are minimum standards and caution is necessary in choosing land, as volunteer growth from previous crops may vary according to local conditions.
4. The regulations for isolation are minimum standards. It is always to the grower's advantage to provide more isolation than required. When planting Foundation fields, specific requirements may influence the location and size of the field. It is a safeguard if adjacent crops are the same variety as the field and are inspected for certified status.
E. Roguing
1. The field must be thoroughly and intensively rogued many times throughout the crop season.

Off-type male flowers must be removed before the receptive stage of female flowers in the inspected crop.

2. The numbers and kinds of plants removed should be recorded and described on the appropriate forms.
3. All male flowers rogued from the crop must be removed from the production area and burial is recommended.
4. Regrowth of rogued flowers or plants must be prevented.
F. Harvesting, Cleaning and Storing
1. A seed grower should have access to the necessary equipment for harvesting and cleaning the seed from the field in such a manner as to ensure that the varietal purity of the seed is maintained.
2. The seed should be stored, in compliance with federal or local regulations, in a clean, cool, dry area.
3. The seed containers should be labelled for identification.

It is recommended that not more than one variety of Hemp be grown under the management of one grower.

V. Vegetatively Propagated Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L. Subsp. Sativa) Certification Standards
A. Explanation of General Standards as Applied to Hemp

The General Certification Standards, Clemson University Regulation 27-190, as adopted are basic and applicable and together with the following specific standards constitute the standards for certification of Vegetatively Propagated Hemp standards as well as classes and sources of certified Planting stock.

B. Definitions

"Clones" are asexually propagated progeny genetically identical to the stock plant.

"Structure or Field" is the production area enclosed by natural borders such as ditches, tree lines, buildings, roads, or an enclosed growth facility.

"Micropropagation" is the science of plant multiplication in-vitro.

"Cuttings" are portions of stems containing leaves which are rooted to produce clones.

"Breeder Plant Stock" (Source Seed) is propagation material identified by the breeder, or the breeder's representative. The breeder must also declare and document the way parent lines are selected and how the Plant Stock is maintained.

"Mother Plant" is a plant produced from a Breeder Plant Stock.

"Certified Plants" are plants produced from Mother Plants.

"Certified Plants" may be used to produce Certified stock in the growth facility or D1 Daughter stock.

C. Certified plants are propagated as follows:
1. Mother Plants may be cut repeatedly to produce D1 Daughter Plants. D1 Daughter Plants are produced by cuttings from Mother Plants.
2. D1 Daughter plants may be cut repeatedly to produce D2 Daughter Plants. D2 Daughter plants are produced by cuttings from D1 Daughter Plants.
3. D2 Daughter plants may be cut repeatedly to produce D3 Daughter plants. D3 Daughter plants are produced by cuttings from D2 Daughter plants.

The grower shall retain documentation of the parent being used to generate clones.

All grower records and grower developed Best Management Practices (BMPs) related to the production of hemp clones shall be available for inspection by the Certifying Agency.

D. Mother Plant Production
1. All Mother plants are to be inspected by Certifying Agency periodically.
2. Inspection of structures and fields will conform to documented and verifiable production standards listed below.
E. Growth Facilities and Field Production
1. Production Requirements for Growth Facility Production
a. Facility is to be apparently free of diseases, insects, and other pests.
b. Hemp clones are to be handled in such a manner as to prevent co-mingling of varieties or types.
c. Facility is to have sufficient physical barriers between growth areas of hemp and other potential contaminating crops prior to flowering and inspection to prevent cross-contamination of type.
2. Production Requirements for Open Field Production
a. Field Eligibility - Crops should not be grown on land where remnant seed from a previous crop may germinate and produce volunteers that may cause contamination. Crops for Mother Plants must not be grown on land that produced another crop of hemp within the previous five years. Crops for Certified class must not be grown on land that had a hemp crop in the preceding three years.
b. Field Isolation - Ten feet or an appropriate barrier to alleviate accidental mixing of plants.
F. Inspections
1. Grower Responsibility
a. Maintain certification standards.
2. Certifying Agency Responsibility
a. The Agency will inspect growth facilities and fields and to audit compliance with the grower developed BMPs and their effectiveness.
b. Mother plants are inspected within seven days before first cutting of daughters for certification.
c. Daughter plants are inspected within seven days after planting.
3. General Requirements - Plant increase standards are described in Section I, C,3.
G. General Inspection Standards of Plants
1. Plants
a. Apparently free of diseases, insects, and other pests.
b. True-to-type characteristics.

Reference Hemp Transplant Certification Standards

VI. Hemp Transplants (Cannabis Sativa L. Subsp. Sativa) Certification Standards
A. Application and Amplification of General Certification Standards
1. The General Certification Standards, Clemson University Regulation 27-190, as adopted are basic and applicable and together with the following specific standards constitute the standards for certification of hemp transplants; a.k.a seedlings, plugs.
2. Section V. of the General Standards is amplified as follows to apply specifically to hemp seedling certification.
3. All Certified transplants must be grown from a class of certified seed or certified clones. Proof of seed/clone eligibility shall be established by providing either a certified tag/label with invoice showing the lot number and pounds received or documentation of clone propagation under clone standards found in the Seed Certification Handbook.
4. Seed coated or pelleted by non-approved conditioners will not be eligible for certification
5. All containers must be labeled in a manner that maintains the source, identity and certification eligibility of the transplants. All containers offered for sale must be identified by the official seed certification tag/label. The tag/label must be affixed (stapled, for example) to trays so tags/labels are not misplaced.
B. Definitions
1. Transplants: hemp plants that originate from either seed or clones that are kept in a vegetative state (before flowering) that will be moved to another production site.
2. Clones: are asexually propagated progeny genetically identical to the stock plant.
3. Seedlings: plants grown from seeds.
4. Plugs: young plants raised in small, individual cells, intended for transplanting at another production site.
C. Growth Facility, Field and Transplant Standards
1. Traditional outdoor plant beds (fields) will be inspected at least two times for phenotypic purity, isolation, general physical condition, and appearance of plants.
2. Growth facility produced plants shall be inspected at least two times for varietal labeling, phenotypic purity, isolation, general physical condition, and appearance of plants.
3. Maximum off-type or other variety shall not exceed 0.2%, or 20 in 10,000. Non-conforming plants must be removed and destroyed.
4. At the time of the final inspection, the number of transplants produced must be verified by agency personnel.
5. Transplants may be rejected for non-compliance with these standards.
6. Inspectors may also reject transplants due to unsatisfactory appearance such as any plants that are diseased, insect infestation, or otherwise stressed or any condition which prevents thorough inspection.

Unlabeled or inadequately labeled transplants will be ineligible for certification.

7. At the final inspection, transplants may be collected for post-control grow outs or other identification verification tests if required by agency.
8. Certifying agency personnel may conduct additional inspections as necessary to ensure certification standards are met.
D. Growth Facility, Plant Bed Soil Mix Requirements
1. Hemp transplants must not be grown on traditional outdoor plant beds (fields) which:
a. In either of the preceding two years produced a non-certified crop of hemp or a different variety of hemp.
b. In the preceding year produced a certified crop of a different variety
2. Hemp transplant growers using growth facilities must use a SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and document that the facility is free of any plant material from a previous crop.
3. For growth facility production of transplants, the soil mix must be new, soil-less media, or sanitized soil mixes.
4. The presence of Broomrape (Orobanche spp.) in hemp crops is cause for declining Certified status.
E. Growth Facility Isolation Standards

When two or more varieties are being grown in the same greenhouse or traditional outdoor plant bed (field), there must be an 18" unplanted area between the varieties. The production area, flats and/or containers for each variety must be clearly labeled in a manner that prevents mixing or misidentification.

Growers must handle transplants throughout the growing, harvesting, and transplant sales in a manner that prevents the accidental or mechanical mixture of containers of different varieties.

F. Labeling Standards

All certified transplants offered for sale must be labeled with official certification tags or labels. Each container of transplants must have an agency certification label firmly attached to be sold as certified transplants. Failure to properly label transplants at the time of sale, will revoke the certification status and will result in not being eligible for sale as certified transplants.

VII. Feminized Hemp Seed (FHS) (Cannabis Sativa L. Subsp. Sativa) Certification Standards
A. Application of Genetic Certification Standards.

The General Certification Standards, Clemson University Regulation 27-190, as adopted are basic and applicable and together with the following specific standards constitute the standards for certification of Feminized Hemp Seed and are further modified as follows:

1. To be eligible for seed certification under this standard, hemp varieties must have received favorable action by one or more of the following processes recognized by AOSCA, including:
a. AOSCA Variety Review Board; or
b. Plant Variety Protection office or Breeder Rights statements; or
c. Any individual AOSCA vested member agency; or
d. Acceptance for certification under the OECD seed schemes.
2. Designation of Classes of Seed. Only the Certified class is recognized in the production of feminized hemp seed. The Foundation class is allowed for the purpose of variety maintenance.
3. A feminized seed variety to be certified must be produced from seed or clonal stocks approved by the official certifying agency. These seed and clonal stocks shall consist of female lines and chemically assisted pollen shedding female lines of any class of certified seed or clones.
4. Growers may be required by regulatory agencies to obtain THC test results according to applicable regulations. Growers may be required to submit THC test results to the seed certifying agency before the seed can be certified.
B. Definitions
1. Hemp. "Hemp" is defined by the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program as the plant species Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis or as otherwise defined by federal law.
2. Dioecious type: with male and female flowers on separate plants.
3. Monoecious type: with male and female flowers on the same plant.
4. Reversed female: female plants that are induced to produce pollen in replacement of true male plants.
5. Hermaphroditic plants: plants exhibiting male and female flowers, not true females.
6. Feminized Hemp Seed (FHS): the progeny of a dioecious female plant that has been pollinated with pollen derived from the same or another dioecious female plant that has been induced to produce pollen. It is a true female plant with XX chromosomes.
7. Pollen parent: a reversed female plant from the female line or another reversed female line to create a hybrid.
8. Seed parent: female plants used to produce feminized hemp seed.
9. Sporting male: is a female plant that produces sterile male flowers.
10. Variety: a subdivision of a kind that is distinct, uniform, and stable; "distinct" in the sense that the variety can be differentiated by one or more identifiable morphological, physiological, or other characteristics from all other varieties of public knowledge; "uniform" in the sense that variations in essential and distinctive characteristics are describable; and "stable" in the sense that the variety will remain unchanged in its essential and distinctive characteristics and its uniformity when reproduced or reconstituted as required by the different categories of varieties.
11. Volunteer plant: a hemp plant that was not intentionally planted and is the result from a previous crop.
12. Approved Cultivar: any variety designated as eligible for production by federal or local regulatory authorities.
13. THC: delta-nine ([DELTA] 9) tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the component of hemp regulated by federal or local regulatory authorities.
C. Growth Facility and Land Requirements
1. Growth facility must only contain certified hemp production. Multiple FHS varieties may be present but no other hemp plants are allowed except for pollen parent plants that are the pollen source.
2. Growth facility must be free of all plants for a minimum of six weeks prior to receiving plants at the beginning of the crop year or production season unless the previous crop was the same variety. If sanitation is used to reduce the hemp free period, a sanitation plan must be submitted to the certifying agency. Pollen sanitation is not required if the entire greenhouse facility produces only one pollen source and other female lines are continually rogued to prevent contaminating pollen sources.
3. Certified feminized hemp seed crops must not be grown on land which:
a. In either of the preceding two years produced a non-certified crop of hemp or a different variety of hemp.
b. In the preceding year produced a certified crop of a different variety.
4. Weeds
a. The presence of Broomrape (Orobanche spp.) in hemp crops is cause for rejection.
b. Excessive weeds obscuring field inspection shall be grounds for rejection.
D. Growth Facility and Field Standards
1. Crop Inspection
a. It is the grower's responsibility to ensure that growth facility and field inspections are conducted by the authorized inspector at least twice prior to swathing or harvesting.
b. A growth facility or field that is cut, swathed or harvested prior to crop inspection is not eligible for certification.
c. Inspections of pollen parent plants and seed parent plants must be at a stage of growth when varietal purity is best determined. Crops not inspected at the proper stage for best determining varietal purity may be cause for rejection. A minimum of two inspections are required.
d. First inspection for pollen parent and seed parent plants must be made just before or at early flowering. The pollen parent must be inspected prior to pollen collection or dispersal.
e. Second inspection for pollen parent and seed parent types must be completed after pollen shed and seed fill.
f. Isolation areas will be inspected for any volunteer hemp plants on each inspection.
2. Specific
a. For the production of FHS varieties via pollen shedding by the chemically reversed female plants.
i. Detailed records shall be created and maintained on the pollen parent, such as the chemical application dates, concentration, and the pollen collection date.
ii. Pollen storage containers (if used) must be marked with lot number and source.
iii. Chemically reversed female plants (pollen parent) must be removed and destroyed after pollen collection is complete.
iv. Male, sporting male, and hermaphroditic plants must be removed from the growth facility or field and a record of roguing activities must be maintained.
3. Isolation
a. Certified feminized hemp seed fields must be isolated from all other contaminating pollen sources by the distances provided in Table 1. Roguing to eliminate all possible contaminating pollen must be accomplished prior to visible flower formation.
b. Greenhouse production of Certified feminized seed is allowed if mechanical isolation of pollen sources is provided. Additional greenhouse requirements include:
i. Method of pollen exclusion must be documented and submitted to the certifying agency.
ii. Each greenhouse facility is limited to one variety or multiple varieties when one pollen parent is utilized for all varieties.
iii. Each variety must be clearly labeled and easily identifiable from one another.
c. Off season greenhouse production when outside pollen sources are not alive may reduce the isolation requirement.

Table 1

Minimum Isolation Distances Required Between Inspected Hemp and Other Crops

Inspected Crop

Other Hemp Crops



Required (feet)


Hemp Seed

- Variety of hemp, or other contaminating pollen source that has pollen shedders present, this includes other greenhouse complexes

- Non-certified crop of hemp

- Different varieties of the same type of hemp with no male shedders present in field that is not for seed production.

- Planted with certified seed of the same variety that meets Certified standards for varietal purity and no male shedders present in field


- Certified seed crop of the same variety that meets Certified standards for varietal purity


E. Impurity Standards
1. Impurities should be removed prior to crop inspection.
2. Any combination of impurities may be reason for declining certified status.
3. Table 2 indicates the maximum number of impurities permitted by AOSCA in approximately 10,000 plants of the inspected crop. The inspector makes at least 6 counts of a total of at least 10,000 plants to determine the number of impurities. The resulting average of these counts must not exceed the maximum impurity standards in Table 2.

Table 2

Inspected Crop

Maximum Impurity Standards per 10,000 plants in Hemp Seed Crops

Maximum Number of Plants

Shedding Pollen

Maximum Number of Off-Types or Other Varieties

Feminized Hemp




F. Seed Standards
1. Feminized Hemp Seed Standards

Feminized Hemp Seed Standards for each class




Pure Seed (min.)



Inert matter (max.)

2.00 %


Weed seeds (max.)



Total other crop seeds (max.)w



Other varieties (max.)



Other kinds (max.) **



Germination (min.)



Feminized Seed ***



*Inert matter shall not include more than 0.5 percent of material other than seed fragments of the variety under consideration.

**Other kinds shall not exceed 2 per lb. (454 grams) for Foundation; 10 for Certified.

***Determined by Variety Verification Trial or approved molecular testing

G. Guidelines to Produce Certified Hemp Seed
1. Certified Seed Production

Although traditionally a crop with a Dioecious plant type, many Monoecious varieties of hemp (Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa) have been developed. Hemp is sexually polymorphic and often produces many different ratios of intersexual plant types that can increase roguing requirements. Variety descriptions normally define these ratios.

a. Quality Assurance (QA) Program standards will be equal to or exceed the AOSCA Standards for certification for varietal purity of the Certified class of seed, with the following exceptions:
i. Varietal eligibility requirements
ii. Seedstock eligibility
b. Any means of processing or conditioning of seed from a production area which may contaminate the varietal purity of the seed is prohibited.
2. Area of Fields
a. When unforeseen circumstances do not permit proper maintenance of the entire field, it is recommended that the area be reduced by destroying part of the field or by isolating a part to meet the requirements. The remainder of the field must meet the requirements for certified field production.
b. The area of a field includes the "walkways" provided within the field to facilitate effective roguing and inspecting.
3. Recommended Production Procedures

Field Planting

a. Fields should be planted to facilitate inspection, roguing and harvesting.
b. Fields should be planted in areas easily accessible for frequent maintenance and to provide the maximum protection from outside sources of contamination, such as roadways and building sites.
c. Regulations for land requirements are minimum standards and caution is necessary in choosing land, as volunteer growth from previous crops may vary according to local conditions.
d. The regulations for isolation are minimum standards. It is always to the grower's advantage to provide more isolation than required. When planting fields, specific requirements may influence the location and size of the field. It is a safeguard if adjacent crops are the same variety as the field and are inspected for certified status.
4. Roguing
a. The field must be thoroughly and intensively rogued many times throughout the crop season.
b. Off-type male flowers must be removed before the receptive stage of female flowers in the inspected crop.
c. The numbers and kinds of plants removed should be recorded and described on the appropriate forms.
d. All male flowers rogued from the crop must be removed from the production area and burial is recommended. The male flowers should be bagged during removal to prevent unwanted pollen transfer during removal.
e. Regrowth of rogued flowers or plants must be prevented.
5. Harvesting, Cleaning and Storing
a. A seed grower should have access to the necessary equipment for harvesting and cleaning the seed from the field in such a manner as to ensure that the varietal purity of the seed is maintained.
b. The seed should be stored, in compliance with federal or local regulations, in a clean, cool, dry area.
c. The seed containers should be labelled for identification.

It is recommended that not more than one variety of Hemp be grown under the management of one grower or one distinct facility.

S.C. Code Regs. § 27-1005

Added by State Register Volume 46, Issue No. 04, eff. 4/22/2022.