S.C. Code Regs. § § 20-1.1

Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
Section 20-1.1 - Definitions

The following words and terms, when used in the Chapter shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

(1) "Administrator" means the person appointed by the Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation to administer the affairs of the State Athletic Commission.
(2) "Admissions" means the amount paid for seats to witness an event or exhibition or any fee charged for presenting an event or exhibition including, but not limited to, complimentary tickets given in exchange for services. This term does not include admission for contestants, officials, representatives of the commission, and the media.
(3) "Announcer" means any person who is licensed by the commission and is designated by the promoter to introduce the participants and provide information to the public at the event or exhibition.
(4) "Bout" means the individual contest between two contestants for a scheduled number of rounds.
(5) "Boxer" means a person who competes for a purse or compensation in boxing matches, contests, or exhibitions.
(6) "Boxing" means any form of event or exhibition in which a person delivers blows to another, with any part of the arm below the shoulder, including the hand, which may be reasonably expected to disable or inflict injury.
(7) "Chief Ring Official" means the referee designated by the Commission Representative as being responsible for the directing of event officiating, presentation and explanation of competition rules, and the evaluation of combatants for sufficient skills to safely compete in Commission sanctioned bouts.
(8) "Commission" means the State Athletic Commission.
(9) "Commission Designee" means the person(s) granted and delegated specific authority to review and approve fight cards, bout pairings, non-routine applications or age waiver petitions on behalf of the Commission.
(10) "Commission Representative" means that individual designated by the Administrator to supervise a particular match, contest, exhibition or event in this state.
(11) "Contestant" means anyone who competes in an event or participates in an exhibition regulated by the State Athletic Commission.
(12) "Department" means the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation.
(13) "Director" means the Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation or the director's official designee.
(14) "Emergency medical technician" means a person who is certified by the Department of Health and Environmental Control pursuant to the Emergency Medical Services Act.
(15) "Event" means an occurrence, bout, show, or contest regulated by the State Athletic Commission in which any contestant displays or exhibits athletic skills in competition.
(16) "Exhibition" means an occurrence in which the participant shows, displays, or performs without striving to win. Exhibitions are not allowed within the confines of an event sanctioned by the SC Athletic Commission, with the exception of professional wrestling.
(17) "License" means the written approval given, upon application, by the Commission to a person, club, corporation, organization, or association to participate in or promote events or exhibitions regulated by the State Athletic Commission.
(18) "Manager" means a person who does any of the following:
(a) by contract with a person undertakes or has undertaken to represent in any way the interest in which a contestant is to participate and receive monetary or other compensation for his/her services without regard to the source of the compensation; except that the term "Manager" shall not be construed to mean any attorney licensed to practice in this state, whose participation in such activities is restricted solely to his/her representing the interests of a contestant as his/her client.
(b) directs or controls the professional activities of a contestant;
(c) receives or is entitled to receive a share of the gross purse or gross income of an event .
(19) "Matchmaker" means a person who undertakes to obtain agreements between managers or contestants, or both, for the purpose of securing contestants for a professional boxing, professional kickboxing, or mixed martial arts event regulated by the State Athletic Commission.
(20) "Off The Street Boxing" means a competition in which contestants who have no professional experience as boxers compete in a series of boxing matches. The term does not include an amateur contest or exhibition that complies with the provisions of Section40-81-500.
(21) "Official" means the judges, referees, timekeepers, and other persons assigned by the administrator and necessary to conduct an event or exhibition.
(22) "Participant" means a person who acts as a promoter, boxer, wrestler, judge, referee, manager, contestant, trainer, second, timekeeper, announcer, matchmaker, security, or medical personnel in connection with an event or exhibition regulated by the State Athletic Commission.
(23) "Passport" means a boxer's official fight record.
(24) "Permit" means the written approval given, upon application, by the commission to a promoter to hold and conduct an event or exhibition regulated by the State Athletic Commission at a specific time, date, and location.
(25) "Person" means an individual, group of individuals, business, corporation, partnership, association, or collective entity.
(26) "Physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy in this State.
(27) "Promoter" means a person, club, corporation, organization, or association which promotes, advertises, presents, conducts, holds, or gives a professional boxing, professional kickboxing, mixed martial arts, or wrestling event or exhibition in this State.
(28) "Promoter's representative" means a person who is designated in writing by the promoter to ensure compliance with this chapter and who has binding authority for all promoters.
(29) "Purse" means the total amount paid by a promoter to the contestants and officials for participating in an event.
(30) "Ringside physician" is the physician responsible for examining the contestant before, during, and after each event and who is present at ringside for the entire event or exhibition.
(31) "Second" means a person who is licensed by the Commission to serve in the corner of a contestant during the bout.
(32) "Technical knockout" means a victory with immediate termination of the bout or match, ordered by the referee, when it appears that one contestant is unable to continue.
(33) "Trainer" means any person who is licensed by the commission and trains individuals to compete in professional boxing, professional kickboxing, or mixed martial arts events.
(34) "Weapon" means anything that is not a part of the human body, excluding boxing gloves and other commission-approved equipment used in combative sports.

S.C. Code Regs. § 20-1.1

Amended by State Register Volume 10, Issue No. 6, eff June 27, 1986; State Register Volume 12, Issue No. 6, eff June 24, 1988; State Register Volume 20, Issue No. 6, Part 1, eff June 28, 1996; State Register Volume 39, Issue No. 06, eff. 6/26/2015.